Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 610 The Battle of Hell 14

Chapter 610 The Battle of Hell 14
"Lan Zuoshi, what about the others?" the man asked suspiciously.

Lan Xin regained her composure, and said in a panic, "They're all dead, they were all killed."

The man looked sad and angry: "Who killed it?"

"I will explain this matter to the Palace Master after I go back." Lan Xin looked at a few people, and doubts flashed in her eyes: "Why did you come here?"

The leading man said: "Emissary Lan Zuo has not returned to the Demon Palace for a long time, and the Palace Master ordered his subordinates to come to assist Envoy Lan Zuo."

A gleam of joy flashed in Lan Xin's eyes, and she asked uncertainly: "Did the Palace Master order you to come?"

The man nodded: "Yes, envoy Lan Zuo please return to the palace with his subordinates first."

Lan Xin got up quickly, left with the man, and asked, "How is the battle at the gate of hell?"

"Fu Hongshuang showed up in time, and when he was about to counterattack, the Qingcheng faction had already captured the holy cherry fruit, rebuilt the cable bridge and left Hell Gate, and is now leaving Wanren Mountain." The man replied.

Lan Xin was suspicious, isn't the holy cherry fruit in Yi Shuihan's hands?Could it be that Yi Shuihan lied to her?Suddenly, she remembered a very important thing.

"Master Lan Zuo, this is the way to leave Wanren Mountain." The man led the way.

"I know, you guys wait for me here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go." Lan Xin looked around, recalling the path that Yi Shuihan had walked just now.

"I don't know what envoy Lan Zuo is talking about. Now that the various sects are going down the mountain, they will easily meet. For the safety of envoy Lan Zuo, the subordinates should follow up."

"No, I just left one thing behind, and you are all here to stand by!" Lan Xin's tone was a bit tough.

"Yes." The man had no choice but to stand still.

Lan Xin hurried back along the way, there were corpses all over the floor, all of them had their throats cut and died, she was secretly startled, fortunately Yi Shuihan died, otherwise Yi Shuihan would not have let her go.

Lan Xin searched her eyes and still couldn't find what she was looking for. She clearly remembered that Yi Shuihan's golden fan fell to the top of a tree. Now that she couldn't find it, she was picked up by someone. She was a little flustered. arrive……

A battle at Wanren Mountain came to an end with the rising of the sun.


Before, Tian Jizi, the head of the Qingcheng faction and the leader of the martial arts alliance, had secretly found out that the holy cherry fruit was at the gate of hell, and the magic palace was planted to frame the blame, so he used his plan and pretended to be crusade against the devil Palace, let the gate of hell relax its guard, lead the crowd to sneak up to Wanren Mountain on the night of August [-]th, and let the gate of hell hand over the sacred objects of martial arts.

The next day, yesterday morning, the battle of Wanren Mountain had already spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

After the Qingcheng faction retrieved the holy cherry fruit, Tianji Ziqi opened the silver box in front of all the decent families.

There is indeed a red fruit in the silver box. Most people have never seen the holy cherry fruit, and they don’t know whether it is round or flat, but they are stunned when they see the red fruit. Why does this holy cherry fruit look so similar... …Plum.

The faces of Tianjizi and the knowledgeable people changed. This is not a holy cherry fruit at all, it is indeed an ordinary plum.

When Tian Jizi said with a livid face that he had been transferred, people from all walks of life were taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn't laugh or cry. What they worked so hard to get back was only a plum.

In fact, they didn't want to assist Tianjizi in planning to take back the martial arts sacred objects, but they joined the battle in order to see the holy cherry fruit, which is said to be able to lift the dead to the bones. guess.

Tianjizi and others speculated that the holy cherry fruit was transferred by the person who threw the silver box. Since that person was able to steal the holy cherry fruit from the gate of hell, they concluded that the person was not from the gate of hell, so they no longer made things difficult for the gate of hell, but A martial arts arrest warrant was issued to apprehend that person.

(End of this chapter)

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