Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 613 The Battle of Hell 17

Chapter 613 The Battle of Hell 17
If Wushang hadn't been missing here, it still wouldn't prove that Fu Hongshuang had been here.

Qianxue looked at the person who was going away, and asked suspiciously, "Why did Wushang suddenly become so righteous?"

Qian Nuo's expression was slightly restrained: "Wushang's original intention was to go to the gate of hell."

"Is it because of Shuihan?" Qianxue was startled. Just by hearing the name of the gate of hell, she knew that she was not a good lord. She had seen the horror of the gate of hell before. Since this love?

Without Wushang, the few of them still had to work separately, and would notify Jinlan Court whenever there was news.

Mo Ningxun went back to the Demon Palace; Cheng Bi only said to find another way out, and then left Jinlan Garden.

Seeing that Mo Ningxun and the others had almost left, the master of ceremonies said: "Hua Ying asked me to bring a word to Qian Xue."

Qian Nuo and Rong Jun looked at the master of ceremonies, the master of ceremonies only said it now, that is, some people should not be able to hear it.

Qian Xue wondered: "What?"

The master of ceremonies looked around for a while, and then said sternly: "Huaying, let us be careful of Mo Ningxun." He originally wanted to tell Qianxue only according to Huaying's intention, but he thought that Qiannuo was Qianxue's elder brother. I told them together.

When several people heard this, their expressions changed.

Qianxue was startled for a while: "Why?"

The master of ceremonies shook his head: "I don't know either. I guess it's related to Master. Huaying should have gone to Chamo Palace. Huaying asked us to wait for his news."

Rong Yun said: "I can't wait, I will assist Wushang to investigate the gate of hell, and Mr. Qian will assist Huaying to investigate the Demon Palace. The inside should be combined with the outside, what does Mr. Qian want?"

Qian Nuo said, "That's exactly what I mean."

This morning, Huaying has sent people to Jinlan Garden to protect Qianxue, and now Rongjun and Qiannuo have each sent a group of people to guard Jinlan Garden. There are three groups of masters stationed in Jinlan Garden. go in.

Qianxue was a little annoyed, she couldn't help anything, and she needed someone else to protect her, so she immediately stepped up her martial arts training, and must improve herself within a certain period of time.


Sunset dusk.

"My lord, there is no news." A soft young man said.

"Continue to investigate, and send a few people to investigate on the way to Tianshui Kingdom." He frowned, with a coldness between his brows, and the golden butterflies in the corners of his eyes were extraordinarily coquettish under the setting sun.

"My lord, time is running out." Mu Yun hesitated for a while, then said.

"I know, you don't need to remind me." He said coldly.

"It's good that the young master knows, Mu Yun will go back first." Mu Yun was a little angry, and waved his sleeves away after speaking.

After a while, the half of the setting sun had already set in the mountains, and the night began to fall, and the golden butterfly also faded with the night.


Wanren Mountain, in the dark night, Wanren Mountain looks like ferocious monsters and ghosts, with old trees growing all over the place, and it is pitch-black. Even with the moonlight, the shadow of the falling moon is very strange.

After two days, the battle at the Hell Gate seemed to have ceased to exist, and this place was still the frightening Hell Gate.

The outside of Yan Dian is still heavily guarded, and inside of Yan Dian is still empty and there are not many people. Only the lights in the room can prove that someone is there.

"Have you been saved?" Fu Hongshuang looked at the person lying on the bed, and said calmly.

"He suffered an internal injury and broke his sternum, so he can't die for the time being." Wushang said while writing the prescription.

"Hmph, if he dies, prepare to be buried with him." Fu Hongshuang said coldly.

"How did he get injured?" Wushang's expression turned slightly restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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