Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 614 The Battle of Hell 18

Chapter 614 The Battle of Hell 18
"I don't know." Fu Hongshuang looked disdainful, turned her head and told the servant girl to take good care of her, and left the Palace of Hell after speaking.

Wushang was taken to a room to rest. This room was gorgeous and well-equipped, but it was a pity that all the guards outside were not weak in martial arts.

For four consecutive days, Wushang either went to treat Fu Hongchen's wounds, or was trapped in this courtyard.

Fu Hongshuang would go to Yan Dian once a day to inquire about Fu Hongchen's condition. A few days later, Fu Hongchen still showed no signs of waking up.

At night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, making the dungeon at the gate of hell even more eerie.

All kinds of instruments of capital punishment, each of which is frightening, is definitely worse than death when used on human beings.

The detainees in the dungeon were all chained to wooden stakes, unkempt, ragged, dull-eyed, blood-stained, and their original appearance could no longer be recognized.

The detainees in the water prison are even more frightening. Their bodies are soaked in water, and some parts of their bodies have rotted, exposing joints of white bones, which is very frightening.

The people locked in the cage are okay, at least they don't have to suffer torture, and the people locked in the cage are probably still useful to the gates of hell.

The more Wushang watched, the more frightened he became, and he was slightly relieved that he couldn't find the person he was looking for after searching.

When Wushang was about to leave the dungeon, Fu Hongshuang led a large group of people to surround Wushang.

Fu Hongshuang laughed: "Young Master Wushang seems to be very familiar with the gate of hell, it shouldn't be the first time he has come to the gate of hell."

Wushang didn't speak, his face was indifferent, it should be said that it didn't matter, anyway, he couldn't find the person he was looking for here, and Fu Hongshuang still needed him to treat Fu Hongchen's injuries.

"I don't know what the purpose of Mr. Wushang's coming to Hell's Gate?" Fu Hongshuang continued to smile, and she guessed that Wushang would not follow her to Hell's Gate so easily.

"Don't forget, Master Fu invited me." Wushang said calmly.

"What does it mean that Mr. Wushang appeared in the dungeon? Or is he trying to save someone?"

"Master Fu let me out of the gate of hell, then I won't appear here." Wushang said.

"Hehe, Mr. Wushang thinks well." Fu Hongshuang looked at Wushang ambiguously, and then said to her opponent: "Send Mr. Wushang back to the Palace of Hell, and protect Mr. Wushang well. If something goes wrong with Mr. Wushang, You will be buried with me, too."

"Yes, deputy sect master." Several people said in unison, and hurriedly sent Wushang back to the Palace of Hell, adding several more guards.


The next day, Fu Hongchen finally woke up. Wushang said that the dangerous period had passed. After hearing this, Fu Hongshuang only glanced at Fu Hongchen, and left without saying a word of greeting. It can be seen that the way these two brothers and sisters get along is a bit weird .

Fu Hongchen: "Who are you?"

Wushang: "Wushang."

Fu Hongchen's complexion changed slightly, his originally bloodless face became paler, and he said slowly, "Do you see what's wrong with me?"

"I suffered an internal injury and broke a sternum." Wushang said while packing the medicine, not paying attention to Fu Hongchen at all.

"Except for this." Fu Hongchen's eyes became deeper, and there was no light in his black pupils.


"Are you sure?" Fu Hongchen frowned.

"Sure." Wushang said calmly without even looking at Fu Hongchen.

"Quack doctor." Fu Hongchen sneered.

"In that case, let me out of the gate of hell." Wushang finally looked at Fu Hongchen, and said mockingly.

"Do you think it's so easy to get out of Hell Gate?" Fu Hongchen said, obviously it was impossible to let Wushang go, and he didn't believe what Wushang said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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