Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 616 The Battle of Hell 20

Chapter 616 The Battle of Hell 20
Jinlan Court.

It has been almost ten days, and there is still no news. Wushang, Rongjun, Chengbi, and Qiannuo have all returned to Jinlan Garden, and Huaying has also come. Even Leng Jian came to help after learning about it. As for Mo Ning Xun is still in the magic palace.

At this time, everyone could no longer calm down.

Qiannuo and Huaying Liying Waihe have been investigating the Demon Palace, but there is no news. Seeing that Mo Ningxun has also mobilized all the forces in the Demon Palace to find someone, it is impossible to judge whether Mo Ningxun is sincere or fake.

At this time, an uninvited visitor came to Jinlan Garden, and what shocked everyone the most was not the visitor, but the golden fan in the visitor's hand.

The visitor was dressed in a light purple brocade robe, noble and Qinghua, his face was calm, there was a look of anxiety in his eyes, his footsteps were hurried, and he came here in a hurry, it can be seen that he came here without stopping.

Only Wushang didn't know the person here, but seeing the look in everyone's eyes, he guessed who it was, Ling Yiran.

Qianxue looked at Ling Yiran in surprise, it had been almost two months since she saw Ling Yiran last time, now, Ling Yiran seemed to be getting thinner.

"Why is Shuihan's golden fan in your hand?" Qianxue asked anxiously and shocked.

"Where is Shuihan?" Ling Yiran searched with his eyes, but he couldn't find the person he was looking for, and asked in a deep voice.

Everyone was silent, their brows were tightly furrowed, and Ling Yiran's question meant that Ling Yiran didn't know where Shui Han was either.

It was Rong Yun who said first: "Shuihan is gone, but how did the golden fan come back to you?"

Ling Yiran's heart tightened, and sure enough, he guessed that something happened to Yi Shuihan: "Four days ago, someone delivered the golden fan to me."

"Who is it?" Everyone asked, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes, this might be a clue.

"It's just an ordinary snobbish official. After several twists and turns, the golden fan got into the hands of the official. The official recognized it as my fan and mistakenly thought that my fan was stolen, so he returned it to me. I have investigated the fan. It was first picked up by a person in the rivers and lakes on the morning of August [-]th at Wanren Mountain, and that day happened to be the Qingcheng faction's crusade against the gate of hell."

Everyone had already guessed that Shuihan's disappearance was related to the gate of hell, but why did Yi Shuihan appear in the battle of Wanren Mountain.

Ling Yiran looked at the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "What happened that day? Why did Shuihan disappear?"

Wushang said: "We'll talk about what happened when Shuihan comes back. Right now, Shuihan is not at the Gate of Hell."

"How do you know?" Ling Yiran glanced at Wushang, he had never seen this person before, but seeing this person's expression, hmph, he might be Yi Shuihan's admirer!
Rong Yun said: "The day before yesterday I found someone secretly looking for someone at the Hell Gate, and the person I was looking for was Shui Han, so Shui Han must not be at the Hell Gate, Mr. Qian, how is the situation at the Demon Palace?"

Qian Nuo said: "Shuihan is not in the magic palace, and Mo Ningxun's whereabouts are normal."

Huaying pondered for a while, and said: "You may as well tell everyone that my master and I did go to the gate of hell on the night of the fifteenth day, but we didn't guess that the Qingcheng faction would attack the gate of hell that day. My master and I got separated, and I reached the agreement I waited for the master at a place, but I couldn’t wait for a long time, so I went to look for it. I didn’t find the master, but I found more than a dozen corpses of people from the magic palace, all of whom died with their throats cut. The wounds were not smooth, but It's a slight tooth pitch."

Speaking of this, Huaying looked at the golden fan, and continued: "The weapon should be the golden fan, and the method of killing is also in line with the master's usual style. The master will not kill people in the Demon Palace for no reason. There is only one possibility. , that is, people from the Demon Palace want to kill the master."

(End of this chapter)

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