Chapter 617
Judging from the current situation, the devil's palace is being pointed at, and the devil's palace is the most suspect, but why did Mo Ningxun kill Yi Shuihan?
Ling Yiran said: "Why does Shuihan go to the Gate of Hell?"

Hua Ying said: "I will reserve this question and ask the master when he comes back."

Ling Yiran frowned: "Why did the Demon Palace kill Shuihan?"

Huaying said: "I don't know." He is also investigating.

Everyone discussed for a while, and they were preparing for the next round of search. With Ling Yiran's help, the scope of the search expanded.

Leng Jian, who had been silent for a long time, struggled for a long time, and finally asked what was in his heart: "Actually, have you ever thought, maybe, maybe something happened to Yi Shuihan, or something happened..."


"Will not!"


Before Leng Jian finished speaking, he was bombarded by everyone. Under the countless cold lights, Leng Jian had no choice but to shut up in embarrassment. He didn't want Yi Shuihan to have an accident, but now there is no trace, which inevitably reminds people of that aspect .

It's not that everyone hasn't thought about this problem, but they don't believe it. Maybe Shuihan is trapped now and can't get out for a while.

Everyone unanimously decided to guard against Mo Ningxun first, and then secretly investigate the Demon Palace. They must first find Shui Han at the gate of hell. Shui Han severely injured Fu Hongchen, and Fu Hongchen would definitely not let Shui Han go.

In the end, for Qianxue's safety, let Qianxue go to Nanlin Villa as a guest for a while, and the master of ceremonies will continue to follow Huaying.

Qianxue felt guilty that she couldn't help anything, so she reluctantly went to Nanlin Villa.

When Rong Rong and Rong Yu saw Qianxue coming, they were naturally very happy. Seeing Qianxue's worry and anxiety, the two took turns to comfort her.

Qianxue quickly collected her emotions, took out Yi Shuihan's book on martial arts and poison, and began to practice hard.

Rong Rong and Rong Yu were very worried about Qianxue. Qianxue practiced hard every day early in the morning and in the dark, and sooner or later her body would be exhausted.


Jueqiong Peak.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, only cold-resistant coniferous trees grow on Jueqiong Peak, a snow-capped, silver-white mountain is like continuous white practice, winding and overlapping, gloomy, beautiful and elegant.

At the halfway point of Jueqiong Peak, there is a wooden house that is almost covered by snow. There are old hardy trees around to block the snow, and only then did this hidden wooden house be discovered.

It was afternoon at this time, and the weak sunlight lazily scattered on the Jueqiong Peak, hitting the tightly closed door.

The layout of the room is simple, elegant, and spotless, but the items displayed are very strange, and it is impossible to tell what they are.

The gauze curtain hangs down in the room, it is quiet and elegant, only the sound of gentle and slight breathing, now is a good time to take a nap.

The person on the bed tried his best to break free from the darkness, and suddenly opened his eyes. Just after waking up, his vision was a little blurred, and he could faintly see layers of white veils.

she is still alive?Suddenly, the consciousness of the body came back, she felt a warm thing wrapped around her, she couldn't move, she felt a slight heat lingering around her neck, if she felt right, it was the heat of breathing.

Her vision gradually became clear, and she looked sideways at the object that was entangled with her. When she saw it, she was stunned for two seconds. She must not have woken up yet, right?What haunted her was a... person, and a stunningly beautiful man.

Slender eyelashes, ink-painted eyebrows, flying obliquely into the temples, distinct lip lines, lip fat, the most shocking thing is the scattered... silver hair?
(End of this chapter)

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