Chapter 619
A certain person was already dressed, dressed in snow-colored fox fur, a pair of white boots, and his silver hair tied behind his back with a jade hairpin. He came to the bed and wanted to sit down, but under Yi Shuihan's cold eyes, he didn't dare to take a step forward, so he could only stare blankly. looked at Yi Shuihan intently.

"Where is this place?" Yi Shuihan finally spoke.

"Extreme Qiong Peak." Someone replied.

Absolute Vault Peak?Never heard of, "What time is it?"

Someone replied: "Afternoon."

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched: "What month and day?"

Someone replied: "It seems to be the end of August, almost September."

Yi Shuihan made a calculation and couldn't believe it: "That means I slept for more than ten days?"

Someone nodded: "Yes."

Yi Shuihan looked up to the sky and screamed, "Why am I here?"

Someone replied: "I carried you here."

nonsense!Yi Shuihan was a little furious: "Where did you pick me up? Why did you pick me up?!"

Someone replied: "I fished you up in the water of Wanren Mountain for a long time. As for why I brought you here, Master asked me to bring you here."

Yi Shuihan's head suddenly became dizzy: "Then who is your master? Where is he now?"

A certain person looks like you are an idiot: "Master is the master, who else can be, the master is long gone."

Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead: "Then when will your master come back?"

Someone acted like you were an idiot again: "Master is gone, why come back?"

This time Yi Shuihan finally understands, his master has gone to see God, but: "Your master is gone, how can you let me come back?"

Someone replied: "It's in the kit that Master gave me."

Now Yi Shuihan was confused again: "What tips?"

Someone found seven tips from the cabinet and showed them to Yi Shuihan, "This is it. The sixth tip is to let me go to the rapid river in Wanren Mountain to find you."

Yi Shuihan looked at the seven red brocade pouches, six of which had already been opened, and the brocades in the first five brocade pouches were no longer there, and the brocade in the sixth brocade pouch read: 'The sixth Kalpa: In the first year of Sheng, there are thousands of feet in the mountains, and there are women in the river. Save them. This is the last kalpa. After that, the merits and virtues will be perfect, and you will not be a human being in the world. '

"What does this mean?" Yi Shuihan was inevitably a little shocked. Could it be that this so-called master has the ability to foretell?

"Before he left, the master gave me seven kits. There are six kalpas in total. As long as I pass the six kalpas, I will be enlightened, and my sixth kalpa is you. Let me open the seventh kit, now I have saved you according to what the kit said, I have passed the sixth calamity, and the seventh kit will be invalid, thank you for helping me through the last calamity, the seventh kit I'll give you the pouch."

After finishing speaking, someone took back the opened six kits and put them back into the cabinet, leaving the seventh kit to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan was stunned for two seconds, and quickly sorted out the information in her mind. She knew that this time and space was full of wonders, but this kind of predictive ability still made people feel unbelievable.

"Then what's your name?" Yi Shuihan asked, it was he who saved her, and she kicked him out of the bed just now, it was a sin.

"I don't have a name," someone replied.

Yi Shuihan was speechless, weird, and didn't even have a name, so how would she call him? "Then what does your master call you?"

Someone replied: "Master called me disciple."

I pour!Yi Shuihan was speechless: "Then what should I call you?"

Someone thought for a while and said, "It's just a name, call it whatever you want."

From then on, someone had a name called Qinglian.

(End of this chapter)

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