Chapter 620
Yi Shuihan wanted to get up for a walk, so someone fetched a fox fur for her to wear, and went out of the house with her.

Yi Shuihan was stunned. She was really on the snow mountain. This small wooden house was inlaid on the mountainside. Looking down, the mountain was extremely steep and covered with thick snow. , there are scattered conifers standing upright in the cold wind.

"How far is it from here to Wanren Mountain?" Yi Shuihan asked, one was still in autumn, and the other was in a world of ice and snow, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

"With the footsteps of ordinary people, it would take at least seven days to run non-stop around the clock, but I only need half a day." Someone replied.

"Are you joking?" Yi Shuihan asked in disbelief. What's the difference between seven days and half a day?The difference between walking and flying.

"Don't believe me? You are optimistic about that stone." Someone pointed to a half-person-high boulder not far away, and then looked at the stone with all his attention.

Suddenly, the stone slowly rose up until it reached the mid-air, until someone looked back, the stone fell to the snow, and then rolled down the mountain.

Yi Shuihan was so shocked that he couldn't speak, there was no flaw, it was definitely not a trick, "Qinglian, how did you do it?"

Qinglian?He froze for a moment, it was she who gave him the name, and suddenly he had a name, he couldn't tell what it was like, "This is done by the power of thought."

Mind power?Yi Shuihan was surprised again. She has always believed in materialism, and things are independent of human will, but this time and space completely reversed what she knew before.

"Can you teach me?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"You are a person of the world, you can't cultivate, and you can't cultivate." Qinglian said.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, did he really attain Taoism and become a fairy?Suddenly, she felt that Qinglian had a kind of divine light, and she named him Qinglian because she felt that there was no trace of worldliness in him.

Back in the house, Yi Shuihan took a look at the house, she always felt that the house was weird, a bit like a meditation room, with few items, neatly arranged.

Yi Shuihan remembered that Lan Xin had stabbed her in the abdomen with a sword before she fell off the cliff. When she saw the wound, it turned out to be a scar. She was shocked for a long time. She remembered that the wound penetrated her body and went deep to her back. How could she recover so quickly? Quick, and in such cold weather, it is difficult for wounds to heal.

"Qinglian, what panacea did you use, my sword wound healed in just over ten days?"

"I didn't use any medicine, more than ten days is not long, if it's mine it's only three or four days." Qinglian glanced at her, she was too weak and fell asleep for more than ten days.

"Three or four days?" Yi Shuihan twitched the corners of his mouth, Qinglian was indeed a non-human being and should not be compared.

"Your internal injury hasn't healed yet, and it will take about ten days to recuperate. When your injury heals, I will pass this calamity." Qing Lian was very relieved. The last calamity was too simple. The previous five calamities They are all narrow escapes.

Yi Shuihan suddenly remembered a very important thing: "Where is the holy cherry fruit on my body?" Could it be washed away in the river?She almost died for that thing.

"I'll eat it for you." Qinglian said calmly.

"What? You ate it for me?" Yi Shuihan was shocked and angry. She sold the news of the whereabouts of the holy cherry fruit to Jueshalou, and then went to steal the holy cherry fruit to prevent Jueshalou from getting the holy cherry fruit. The cherry fruit, the holy cherry fruit is something from Beiming Kingdom, if it is known that she sold the news to Jueshalou, it would be strange if those martial arts people in Beiming Kingdom didn't kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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