Chapter 621
After she left the palace of hell, she changed the holy cherry fruit to the sky to prepare for future troubles. When she left the gate of hell, she was intercepted and killed by decent people from various sects. Unexpectedly, this trouble really happened.Now that the holy cherry fruit has entered her stomach, those people in the martial arts world will even tear her to pieces.

"What's so strange, you ate several more." Qinglian looked at her strangely, what kind of expression was she, she was making a fuss, it was just a holy cherry fruit.

"Okay, several? Where did you get several?" Yi Shuihan asked with disbelief.

"I picked it on the top of Jueqiong Peak. Master left a lot of it before. I will eat it for you if you don't need it. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat it?" As she said, Qinglian took out a box from the cabinet, which contained There are more than ten red fruits.

Yi Shuihan was stunned, it was indeed the same as the holy cherry fruit she stole from the gate of hell, but these holy cherry fruits were more shiny and crystal clear, suddenly remembered the legend Rong Yun said, could the person who attained the Tao in the legend be Qinglian's master?
The number of shocks she has encountered today is more than her previous total. Facing an inhuman like Qinglian, even a normal person cannot help being shocked.

"Will nothing happen if I eat it?" She remembered that Wushang said that the holy cherry fruit was poison to ordinary people, and she actually ate several of them.

"If you eat it rashly, of course you will, but how can something happen if I'm here?" Qing Lian gave you a silly look.

Yi Shuihan was speechless, she had seen Qinglian's power before, and her ability beyond ordinary people was indeed unimaginable.

"When can I leave here?" Yi Shuihan asked, she disappeared suddenly, Qianxue and the others must be in a hurry, don't know what happened to them?

"About fifteen days, your injury is quite serious, and your body is too weak, and your recovery ability is really poor." Qinglian said, and found some strange medicines from the cabinet. harm.

Yi Shuihan twitched the corner of his mouth, her recovery ability is poor?It's just that Qinglian is too strong, too strong to exceed the limit of the human body.

"Is there any hot water to drink?" Yi Shuihan saw that the water in the teapot was cold, but in fact she was not thirsty, but just wanted to warm her stomach.

"Hot? I never drink hot water, and it's too troublesome to heat the water, but if you want to drink hot water, I will heat it for you." After speaking, Qing Lian picked up the teapot and used it The internal force heated the water, and after a while, I felt the teapot was already a little hot, so I put the teapot down.

Yi Shuihan looked at the steaming water in a daze, and Qinglian's inner strength was also very strong, almost boiling the water in just one minute.

"Is it hot enough?" Qinglian asked.

"Enough." It was still hot, Yi Shuihan poured a glass of water and took a sip, then held the glass in his hands to warm his hands.

All afternoon, Qing Lian didn't know what to do, sometimes opened the cabinet to find medicinal materials, and sometimes went to look through books.

Yi Shuihan saw that there was a bookshelf there, so he went to read a few books to pass the time. The more he read, the more refreshed he became. These are some incisive medical and martial arts secret books. Of course, she has no interest in medical skills, and only read some martial arts secret books.

Her memory ability is very good, but now she still has internal injuries, and she can't try to practice it, so she secretly remembered that she would stay here for more than ten days, so she slept for almost half a month. Qinglian said that it would take ten days for ordinary people to go from here to Wanren Mountain even without stopping, so when she returned to Tongcheng, it would be more than a month later, and she disappeared for more than a month for no reason, what would happen to Qianxue and the others?
(End of this chapter)

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