Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 643 The Battle of the Relics 07

Chapter 643 The Battle of the Relics 07
The owner's wife was a little reluctant, she glared at her husband, and then said to everyone with a smile on her face: "You young people chat slowly, stay a few more days."

After finishing speaking, the owner and his wife left.

Qianxue went over and pulled Rong Rong away: "Rong Rong, let's go out first."

Rong Rong looked at the crowd strangely, and asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Go as long as you are told." Qianxue pulled Rong Rong away without any explanation.

The master of ceremonies also left tactfully. Although Rong Yu didn't know what happened, he had a bad premonition, so he also left.

The draft in the vestibule got weirder.

Yi Shuihan wanted to ask them why they came, didn't they ask them to wait in Jinlan Garden?But she didn't ask in the end.

"Should you explain?" Ling Yiran spoke first.

"I did encounter a bit of an accident. It was not a surprise, and it made everyone... worried."

After speaking, there was a moment of silence. They didn't blame Shuihan, they were just worried, but until now, Shuihan still didn't tell them what happened, and only used one sentence to explain it.

"The water is cold, the water is cold, Mo Ningxun is here to find you, just outside the gate of Nanlin Villa." Qian Xue shouted at the door.

Yi Shuihan's face changed slightly, the news was really well informed, she couldn't figure out what Mo Ningxun meant for a while, sent someone to kill her, and dare to come to her now?
Outside the gate of Nanlin Villa.

Mo Ningxun came alone, and he had been waiting outside the door for quite a while, impatiently.

Everyone came to the door together, the person outside was none other than Mo Ningxun, I haven't seen him for more than a month, he seems to have lost weight.

After seeing her cold expression, Mo Ningxun stopped in her footsteps and just looked at her from a distance.

Surprise flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes, Mo Ningxun actually came alone, is he too confident or is he justified by his words?
"Mo Ningxun, long time no see." Yi Shuihan said with a half smile.

"Shuihan, can we talk alone?"

"Okay." Yi Shuihan responded in one gulp.

"Shui Han." Everyone's complexion changed, and they quickly stopped.

"It's okay." Yi Shuihan waved his hands, and walked with Mo Ningxun under the shade of a tree.

Mo Ningxun looked at her, she was dressed in snow-colored plain clothes, she had never seen her in white before.

"Palace Master Mo, what do you want to say?"

"Shui Han, why do you call me that?" Since seeing her just now, although she is smiling, the coldness in her eyes has not diminished by half.

"I don't want to talk about other nonsense. Did you want my life or someone bought my life?" She has always been a procrastinator, and some things are better to be straight to the point.

"...You suspect that I'm going to kill you?" Mo Ningxun asked in surprise.

"It's not a suspicion. In fact, you have already done this. It was your people who intercepted and killed me at Wanren Mountain."

Mo Ningxun was surprised, and hurriedly said: "Impossible, I have never issued such an order, there must be some misunderstanding!"

"Is it a misunderstanding? I'm not interested in knowing. This is the end of the conversation."

"Shuihan, don't go." Mo Ningxun hurriedly grabbed Yi Shuihan's hand.

"Don't take my hand casually!" Yi Shui shook off Mo Ningxun's hand coldly, she didn't like others to touch her hand very much.

"...Shuihan, please trust me, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter."

"No need, there is no relationship between me and you, so there is no such thing as trust or disbelief, don't provoke me again." After finishing speaking, Yi Shuihan turned and left.

"Shuihan, you didn't even give me a chance to explain?" Mo Ningxun immediately stopped Yi Shuihan, trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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