Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 644 The Battle of the Relics 08

Chapter 644 The Battle of the Relics 08
"There is no misunderstanding, and there is no need to explain." Yi Shuihan bypassed Mo Ningxun.

"No, you don't care who I am at all. Even if you know that I am not going to kill you, you will still alienate me. You are..." Reject me!Mo Ningxun pinched Yi Shuihan's shoulder excitedly, and shouted with all her strength.

Yi Shuihan knocked down Mo Ningxun's hand reflexively, frowned, his face was a little cold: "Sorry, don't force me to take action."

The meaning in the words is already clear, I'm sorry but I can't accept you, don't force me to make a move, if you keep pestering me, she will make a move.

Mo Ningxun froze, her pain-bearing eyes could only look at her distant back in vain, he never thought that one day she would leave him with only an unreachable back.

Yi Shuihan walked a little hastily, she didn't know if it was Mo Ningxun's killer, but she did take this opportunity to get rid of Mo Ningxun. Originally, she had saved Mo Ningxun, and Mo Ningxun would not accept anyone to buy her. If the entrustment of her life is entrusted, then the two are settled and there will be no more entanglements, but if Mo Ningxun's people in Wanren Mountain want to kill her, then they have to make a new calculation.

Yi Shuihan felt a little shivering, there were seven or eight pairs of eyes looking at her without blinking at the door.

"Shuihan, how is it?" Qianxue asked.

"It's okay." Yi Shuihan waved his hand, and asked again: "Master of Ceremonies, where is Huaying?"

"Master, Huaying knew that you would scold him after seeing him, so he didn't come." The master of ceremonies said awkwardly, Huaying stopped them from going to Nanlin Villa, but there were so many of them, how could Huaying stop them.

Yi Shuihan faintly gritted his teeth: "Let him come to see me immediately!"

The master of ceremonies looked embarrassed and aggrieved: "Master, it's a long way from here to the Pale Shadow Studio."

Yi Shuihan's grinding teeth became louder: "Send a carrier pigeon or something, let him crawl to see me!"


So, the group stayed in Nanlin Villa. When it was time for dinner, the owner's wife personally hosted a banquet to clean up the dust for everyone. Everyone could hardly bear the enthusiasm of the owner's wife.

"Wushang, when did you leave the valley?" After the meal, the owner's wife said happily.

"Two months ago." Even Wushang was a little afraid of the owner's wife.

"Hehe, it's great to be out. I've been bored in the Valley of Leisurely Clouds all day, and I've become depressed. Seeing you now really surprised me. It's very different from two years ago, and you're even better." Zhuang The more the master's wife talked, the more pleased she became.

"Thank you Mrs. Zhuangzhu for your appreciation."

"Wu Shang, you can live in Nanlin Villa from now on, and treat this as your own home." The owner's wife felt pity when she thought of Wu Shang, who was alone with no relatives and reasons, and Wu Shang saved her life again. She already regarded Wushang as her own son.

"Thanks to the kindness of the owner's wife, Wushang has already gone, and I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in the villa forever."

"Oh? Where are you going, Wushang?" The owner's wife was a little surprised. It was very strange for Wushang to go out of the valley.

"I'll go wherever Shuihan goes." Wushang glanced at Yi Shuihan and replied.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Qiannuo and others changed, the owner's wife was surprised, and Rong Yu Rongrong was shocked. What do these words mean?
Yi Shuihan twitched the corners of his mouth, this Wushang was really brazen, and he spoke regardless of the occasion.

"So, where are you going, Shuihan?" The owner's wife looked at Yi Shuihan and asked.

"The younger generation is going to Luohu Town." Yi Shuihan replied that she had to go through Luohu Town to go to Xiyue Tianshui, and she did not lie.

(End of this chapter)

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