Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 645 The Battle of the Relics 09

Chapter 645 The Battle of the Relics 09
"Luohu Town is very close to here. From now on, Wushang, you will come to Nanlin Villa often when you have time," the owner's wife urged.

"Definitely." Wushang smiled slightly, he knew that Shuihan's final destination was not Luohu Town, but it didn't matter.

The owner's wife's eyes swept over the crowd, and everyone felt uneasy, for fear of being questioned by the owner's wife.

Finally, the owner's wife's eyes fell on one person, and she asked with a smile: "Master Cheng, I heard that you and Shui Han are both from Xiyue Tianshui?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a dark tide in the hall, and several people didn't know where Yi Shuihan was from.

Especially Ling Yiran and Wushang, their undisguised and inquisitive eyes fell on Yi Shuihan, no wonder Yi Shuihan and Chengbi walked together, so there was such a relationship.

Ling Yiran was even more angry, Yi Shuihan lied to him again, sure enough, Yi Shuihan himself was a deceit, maybe Yi Shuihan and Chengbi were originally together.

"Exactly." Chengbi replied.

Yi Shuihan couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth, whether the owner's wife would ask Chengbi if he would have a baby, if Chengbi was asked like this, his face would definitely darken completely.

"Chengbi, you often come to Nanlin Villa to sit and sit when you are free." The owner's wife urged again.

"Thanks to the kindness of the owner's wife, this junior may not be able to, and I will leave to go back in a few days." Cheng Bi tactfully refused.

"Oh? Are you in such a hurry to go back? Will Shuihan go back together?" The owner's wife looked at Yi Shuihan again and asked.

Yi Shuihan wailed in his heart, she said it was not going back, and she said she would not go back, she must go to Xiyue Tianshui, but she had already said to go to Luohu Town just now, and now she said that she would go to Xiyue Tianshui. Mouth; if she said no, wouldn't it be a fraud, it would be extremely disrespectful to the elders, and that person was Rong Yun's mother, she dared not be slighted.

Rong Yun could see that Yi Shuihan was in trouble, so he said: "Mother, Shuihan will be careful about this matter."

The owner's wife finally realized that she was asking a little too much, so she glanced at the crowd again, looking for someone to ask questions. Most of these people had already asked questions, except for Ling Yiran, who was from the imperial court. The most terrible thing is that Ling Yiran is a royal family, not just an ordinary royal family, but a prominent prince of the current dynasty, the younger brother of the current emperor, one person under ten thousand people, Ling Yiran came to Nanlin Villa in person , as if the emperor came in person, so it was not easy for her to ask questions, and Nanlin Villa had no choice but to enshrine Ling Yiran as a distinguished guest.

At this time, the owner of the villa finally spoke, and said to his wife: "Madam, accompany me for a walk."

After finishing speaking, the owner and his wife left the house.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, the owner of the villa was very elegant, he didn't talk much, they were extremely brief, and he only said it to his wife.

The host left the table, Yi Shuihan didn't want to stay here for a long time, it was hard to guess what these people were thinking, so he stood up and said, "Talk slowly, I'll go back to the room first."

After finishing speaking, she left the room, her steps were very light, she seemed to be leisurely, and when everyone reacted, all they were left with was a piece of white clothes.

Talk slowly?You, the protagonist, are gone, what else is there to talk about? !

When night fell, Huaying ran non-stop, burning with fire, and finally crawled in front of Yi Shuihan.

"Master, what do you want from me?" Huaying wiped off her sweat and panted.

(End of this chapter)

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