Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 663 The Mystery of Identity 07

Chapter 663 The Mystery of Identity 07
Lan Xin was hung up, her face was pale with fright, she swayed with the mountain wind, the rope rubbed against the stone, sooner or later it would break.

"Yi Shuihan, if I die, the Palace Master will definitely not let you go, and the entire Demon Palace will not let you go..."

"Really? I haven't settled with the Demon Palace yet. It would be best if the Demon Palace came to me. It would save me a lot of trouble to find the Demon Palace."

"No! No! You can't fight against the Demon Palace! The Palace Master will come to save me, and the Palace Master will definitely not let you go!"

"Stop arguing, if you keep arguing, I will accidentally cut the rope." Yi Shuihan was playing with a sharp dagger in his hand, and the blade of the dagger was rubbing against the rope.

Lan Xin was too scared to make a sound, she looked at Yi Shuihan like a demon, she knew that Yi Shuihan was torturing her, the more frightened she was, the happier Yi Shuihan was, when she was on the verge of going mad, she would die So she must be calm and not let Yi Shuihan succeed, she believes that the Palace Master will come to save her, she must wait until the Palace Master comes...

"Lan Xin, did you mean to kill me, or who did it?"

"Yes..." Lan Xin quickly stopped her mouth, and changed the topic: "You also care about the Palace Master?"

Yi Shuihan shook his head and sneered: "Hehe, Lan Xin, I just don't want you to be a scapegoat, and I've always been very tolerant towards women."

"If you let me go, I'll tell you." Lan Xin seemed to have picked up a life-saving straw, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

"Whether you tell me or not has nothing to do with whether I let you go or not. If I want you to die, whether you say it or not, your result can only be death."

"No! No! You can't kill me! If you kill me, the Palace Master will definitely avenge me and won't let you go..."

"Okay, don't tell me how important you are. I didn't hit you. With the power of the Demon Palace, it would be easy for Mo Ningxun to find you, but Mo Ningxun hasn't shown up for so long..."

"No, no, I have been with the palace lord for ten years. I am the most proud subordinate of the palace lord. The palace lord cares about me most. The palace lord will definitely come!" Lan Xin firmly Said with conviction, she believed.

"Okay, I will leave you a whole body so that Mo Ningxun can find you."

"No! No! The palace lord will hate you and kill you!" Lan Xin almost lost her mind, struggling on the verge of death, like falling into an ice cave, the cold eroded her whole body, and she couldn't breathe.

"Since you don't say it, then you can greet God for me." As he spoke, the dagger in his hand scratched the rope, and the rope was cut bit by bit.

"No! Don't! Stop! Don't! I said, I said, I beg you, stop..." Lan Xin yelled in horror, her face was pale, her lips trembled, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"It would have been better to say no." Yi Shuihan put away the dagger slowly.

Lan Xin looked up at Yi Shuihan in horror, thought for a while, and then tentatively said: "What if the palace lord orders to kill you?"

"If Mo Ningxun means it, of course I will let you go. You are just following the orders of your superiors."

"It's the palace master who wants to kill you, the palace master hates you, hates you for not accepting him, so the palace master would rather destroy you, I was just ordered to kill you, let me go, let me go quickly." Lan Xin said anxiously, She saw the opening in the rope getting bigger and bigger.

"Really? But Lan Xin, you also want me to die."

"So what, I can't kill you, I'm not a threat to you at all, I won't kill you in the future, let me go soon..." Lan Xin begged in panic, with only endless horror in her eyes , if he is tortured like this, even if he does not die, he will be driven crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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