Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 664 The Mystery of Identity 08

Chapter 664 The Mystery of Identity 08
"Okay, since you're not the one behind the scenes, then I have no choice but to seek revenge from the one behind the scenes, so you are going to collect Mo Ningxun's body." Yi Shuihan smiled evilly.

Lan Xin froze all over, she couldn't believe it: "You, you want to kill the Palace Master?"

"Why not? Just allow him to kill me and not allow me to kill him?"

"No, no, you can't kill the Palace Master..." Lan Xin shook her head violently, no, no, she has to go back and tell Palace Master Yi Shuihan to kill him, she has seen Yi Shuihan's martial arts before, but she doesn't know Compared to the Palace Master...

"Hua Ying, drag her up." Yi Shuihan stood up and glanced at Lan Xin.

After Lan Xin was dragged up, she fell to the ground, gasping for breath, the panic on her face was still stained with tears.

"At noon today, you were not afraid of death. You were hanged for a while just now, why were you so frightened?" Yi Shuihan came to Lan Xin, stretched out his hand, and wiped Lan Xin's tears gently .

Lan Xin was trembling all over, and the cold fingertips slid across her face, like a cold-blooded poisonous snake, as if it would bite her at any time.

"I didn't say that it would make you very afraid of death. If you were pushed down now, you would definitely be more scared than before. This cliff is not too deep, but you can fall completely unrecognizable and lose your limbs."

"No, no..." Lan Xin looked at Yi Shuihan as if she was looking at a demon, and shook her head violently, tears streaming down her face again involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, I haven't planned to kill you yet, don't cry, my eyes are swollen from crying, the last thing I see is tears, I will feel bad." Yi Shuihan took out a handkerchief to wipe Lan Xin's tears, his movements were very gentle.

But Lan Xin only felt a shudder, her wrist was already red and purple from being strangled by the rope, the skin was scratched, and there were some dry blood stains, in stark contrast to her pale hands.

The handkerchief was already stained with tears, Yi Shuihan shook his head regretfully, and then threw the handkerchief off the cliff.

The white handkerchief fluttered in the air a few times, as if it was struggling, but in the end it couldn't resist the force of gravity and could only float down to the depths of the cliff.

Lan Xin looked at the handkerchief in horror, as if seeing her own fate.

"I've already said I won't kill you, so what are you afraid of?" Yi Shuihan chuckled twice, he was really a child who didn't want to be scared, and said, he slowly untied the rope, moving very lightly, for fear of getting hurt. It hurts like Lanxin's hand.

"You, what do you want?" Lan Xin trembled, she had no idea what Yi Shuihan was going to do, this unknown made her heart tremble.

"Let you go." Yi Shuihan had already untied the rope, and threw it down the cliff again.

"You really let me go?" Lan Xin looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief. Could this be Yi Shuihan's conspiracy?

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Lan Xin asked cautiously.

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"No, don't." Lan Xin moved back in panic.

"Then you still not leaving? Are you petrified? Can't move your legs?"

Lan Xin heard that, although she didn't believe that Yi Shuihan would let her go, she got up immediately and ran into the woods, as if there was some monster behind her chasing her, and she disappeared after a while.

Huaying froze for a moment, so there is no play? "Master, you don't really believe Lan Xin's words, and then kill Mo Ningxun?"

He felt that Lan Xin's words were not credible at all. It should be Lan Xin's arbitrariness to kill the master, and Mo Ningxun didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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