Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 674 The Mystery of Identity 18

Chapter 674 The Mystery of Identity 18
"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, I can't do it." Rong Yun laughed, since he couldn't extricate himself, let's continue to sink, he longed for this sinking.

Wushang's heart tightened, this answer was really harsh, he had to solve everything as soon as possible, otherwise Rong Yun would get ahead of him.

"Wushang, is there anything I can do for you?" Rong Yun asked.

"It's nothing. I may have to stay here for a long time, and it's quite boring. If you take pity on me, please help me go to Xianyun Valley to get some things."

"Take what?"

"There is a cabinet in my room. There are a few scrolls hidden in the top shelf. Get them for me, don't break them, and don't peep."

"Okay, I'll go now, and I can probably deliver it to you tomorrow evening."

The owner's wife and the others waited anxiously outside, when they saw Rong Yi come out, they hurriedly asked what was going on.

"Wushang told us not to worry, I'm going to Xianyun Valley, father, mother, you go back to the villa first."

"How can we go back with peace of mind, we'll stay here for a few days first, at least we have to wait for Wushang's injury to heal before we leave, son, what are you going to Xianyun Valley for?" asked the owner's wife.

"Go get something for Wushang, it's probably very important."

The owner of Nanlin Mountain Villa and the leader of the Wulin League have a deep friendship, so they went to the Wulin League as guests for a few days. The owner of the villa is obviously partial to Wushang. Although he has never asked for his release, he begged to move Wushang from the prison to the courtyard for house arrest. , A doctor was invited to treat his injuries. Except that Wushang was not free, everything else was fine.


In Changyi Garden, at dusk, Fengying and Xueying came back. They have been there for more than a month, and both of them are a little tired, probably traveling day and night.

"Fengying Xueying, thank you for your hard work."

"Your subordinates don't work hard." The two said in unison, with serious expressions on their faces, both of them were serious, different from Huaying's playful smile.

"Okay, let's all sit down, what can we gain?" Yi Shuihan was a little nervous, maybe 'she' had some kind of relatives.

"Master, please have a look." Xueying didn't know what to say, and took out a scroll and presented it.

Yi Shuihan took it, opened it, and after seeing it, even she herself was a little surprised. The person in the painting was half or so similar to herself, but 'she' was wearing an expensive to tacky golden robe with complicated patterns , with golden ornaments on her hairstyle, and a few sparkling rings on her fingers.

"Who is she?" Yi Shuihan was extremely helpless, and his extravagance was too vulgar.

"This subordinate guesses that she is you, the master, but the real name of the master is Shui and the name is Han, has the master remembered it?" Xue Ying took a look at Yi Shuihan, hoping that the master could remember so that they would not have to repeat the past deeds of the master. .

"No, let me explain her identity, age, temperament and habits, and everything in detail. It is best to explain her ancestors for eighteen generations."

The expressions of the two people who have not changed for thousands of years are a little cracked at this moment. The eighteen generations of the master's ancestors can't finish talking for several days, and they don't know.

"Master, the surname Shui is the national surname of Tianshui Kingdom. Master, you belong to the royal family of Tianshui Kingdom."

"What? Isn't it?" Yi Shuihan was obviously shocked. She thought that 'she' was the young lady of a certain nouveau riche. People in the royal family were very troublesome, and she didn't want to get rid of it just because she wanted to.

"Yes." Xue Ying's face was a little unnatural, which could shock the Pavilion Master, so she was worried that the Pavilion Master would not be able to accept the following things.

(End of this chapter)

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