Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 675 The Mystery of Identity 19

Chapter 675 The Mystery of Identity 19
"Oh, let's continue." Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead.

"Master is His Royal Highness the Seventh Emperor of Tianshui Kingdom. She is 21 years old. Her biological father is a noble monarch. Master has a somewhat irritable and fun-loving personality. It's okay to get used to it."

"Besides that? It's impossible for a person to have only one temperament, and it's impossible for a person to have no habits. If you have something to say, just say it, don't hesitate." Yi Shuihan was a little impatient, and Xueying was not a meek person either. , This time, everything I say is sloppy.

"The subordinate said directly that His Royal Highness the Seventh Emperor is naturally romantic, very happy, stupid and ignorant, timid, bullying women and domineering men; as for habits, she likes...masculinity, and she specializes in collecting all kinds of beautiful men." Xue Ying finished in one breath. , she even suspected that the pavilion master in front of her could not be Shui Han at all.

Yi Shuihan is petrified, so what is the difference between her and Yu Hongtian?Although she was a little perverted, she was not so perverted.

Fengying and Xueying didn't continue talking, and when the pavilion master calmed down, not only the pavilion master couldn't accept this fact, but they didn't quite believe it, they had never seen anyone more cunning than the pavilion master, and they really couldn't compare the pavilion master and the pavilion master. Stupid and ignorant water chills link.

"Go on, why did she come to Beiming Kingdom, and how did she fall off the cliff?"

"The master came to Beiming Kingdom because he was instigated by the Eighth Emperor's daughter, Shui Wu. Shui Wu was jealous that you had the Queen's protection, so Shui Wu told the master that the beautiful men in Beiming Kingdom are wild and unruly. Master, please ask the Queen on a whim." I wanted to leave the imperial city for a few months, so master, you secretly left Tianshui Kingdom and came to Beiming Kingdom, unexpectedly, Shuiwu had already sent someone to follow you, master, killed you in Beiming Kingdom, and then dumped your body on the cliff."

Untamed?The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, vulgar, extremely stupid, and lustful, he was a copy of Yu Hongtian, Yi Shuihan was already in a mess, although that person was not her, but it was very different from what she thought.

"Master, you have been away from Tianshui Kingdom for almost nine months, and there is no news. There are rumors that you are missing from Tianshui Kingdom's imperial capital, and the empress sent people to search for it. Master, your father fell ill because of this."

"...Father?" Yi Shuihan was taken aback, she was completely unfamiliar with this term, "How is he?"

"Although the master's father is a noble king, there is no one around him, only you, the master, and now you are missing, the master's father fell ill three months ago from depression, which even the imperial doctor can't cure .”

Yi Shuihan felt inexplicably tense, "Is it serious?"

"When the subordinates went to investigate, the master's father was sick in bed, and his condition was quite serious, so the subordinates made a proposal, and while the master's father was half awake and half unconscious, he created a dream and said to him, master, you are well. , let him recuperate well, and return soon, and the subordinates even arranged people from the secret cabinet to be with the master's father."

"Well done." Yi Shuihan was a little relieved, and suddenly, she remembered a very serious question: "Xueying, was that father... born to me?"

"It's your biological father, master." Xue Ying replied.

"I don't mean that, I'm asking, did I... come out of that father's belly?"

"Yes, he is definitely your biological father, master. There is a red curved birthmark on your arm, master." Xueying explained.

"...Yes, he conceived and gave birth to me?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true, he looks very similar to you, master, as long as you see him, you can be sure." Xueying mistakenly thought that Yi Shuihan still didn't believe it, so she explained again.

(End of this chapter)

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