Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 677: Martial Arts Alliance 01

Chapter 677: Martial Arts Alliance 01
"Where do I have it?!" She just glanced at it twice, and said that she seemed like something.

Qianxue: "You still said no, even the boy who brought vegetables just now, you stared at others for a long time, that boy is so embarrassed, he will not dare to bring vegetables next time."

"I didn't, I only looked twice!"

"Oh, admit it, I didn't wrong you." Qianxue stared at Yi Shuihan, she was already full of love, and she still wanted to hook up.

Qian Nuo looked at Yi Shuihan sadly, and he remembered that Shuihan looked at him like that before.

Chengbi's eyes are full of contempt, the situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Even if Yi Shuihan jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it away. Existence is perceived. She sees it because of existence. If it doesn't exist, how can she see it?

In the afternoon, Huaying came back, and after Fengying Xueying came back, he became an errand.

"Master, Wushang has been released from the prison and is under house arrest in the Wulin League. I am afraid that even Nanlin Villa can't protect Wushang. People in the Wulin League are jealous of those who steal the holy cherry fruit. Will not let people go."

"Okay, go and make some arrangements. I'm going to the Wulin League tomorrow morning."

"Hey, master, you are finally willing to save Wushang." Huaying said in surprise, the pavilion master finally realized his conscience.

"Who said I wanted to save him? I just went to the Wulin League!!" Yi Shuihan raised her voice, maybe she was going to kill Wushang.

"This subordinate understands, understands, this subordinate will go to take care of it immediately." Huaying hurried out of the study with a clear look.

After Yi Shuihan came out of the study, he went to ask Qianxue something.

Qianxue joked, "You shouldn't have a happy face, why are you frowning now?"

"Tomorrow I will go to the Wulin League, you can stay here, Xueying will take good care of you."

"Are you going to save Wushang?" Qianxue was a little surprised, Yi Shuihan hadn't done anything for the past two days, why did he suddenly want to save Wushang?
"No, go and find out some things." Yi Shuihan frowned, and she wouldn't leave in peace until she found out.

"What is it?" Qian Xue wondered.

"I checked it out because I didn't know it. By the way, do you think there is anything special about Wushang?"

"Special? I don't think there is anything special, but I think he is weird, especially when he looks at you, his expression is extremely complicated, with a little sadness in his joy, and a little melancholy when he smiles. I want to say But it’s so strange that you can’t say it.”

"Well, he is indeed a bit strange." Yi Shuihan looked sad and stroked his forehead in boredom.

"Hey, Shuihan, what's wrong with you?" Qianxue pushed Yi Shuihan, she had never seen Yi Shuihan like this before.

Yi Shuihan raised his eyelids, glanced at Qianxue, and smiled strangely: "Qianxue, the identity of this body of mine has been found out."

Qian Xue's eyes widened, no wonder Xue Ying came back, "Then who are you?"

"Qianxue, do you know? I was born by a man." Yi Shuihan was really unwilling to reveal this fact.

"Oh, then what?" Qianxue asked.

"Huh? Don't you think it's strange? I came out of a man's stomach." Yi Shuihan was a little surprised by Qianxue's reaction. Medicine in the 21st century has not yet reached the level where men can give birth to babies.

"I knew it a long time ago. When I knew you were from Xiyue Tianshui, there was nothing strange." Qianxue looked like you were making a fuss. She was shocked for a long time after she came to this time and space and learned about it. , After getting used to it, it's nothing, I take it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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