Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 678: Martial Arts Alliance 02

Chapter 678: Martial Arts Alliance 02
Now Yi Shuihan has nothing to say. She can only say that she is rare and strange, and her knowledge is shallow. Every time and space has its own rules, and she should adapt well.

"Hey, you haven't said what your identity is?" Qianxue was a little anxious, this Yi Shuihan didn't talk about the main points, just talking nonsense.

"My surname is Shui and my name is Han. Do you think this universe is amazing? They have the same body and appearance, even the same birthmark."

"Me too. God let us be reborn here to show that we should not die and should accept everything here, so now I am Qiannuo's biological sister, both in body and mind." Qianxue felt a little emotional, she had already Complete integration of this body and this space-time.

Yi Shuihan frowned slightly, she couldn't do it yet, "Qianxue, 'she' has a father, who should love 'her' very much."

Qianxue was surprised, and then she disagreed: "What's her father? That's your father. Without your father, would you exist? Would you exist here to talk to me? We have the same body and appearance as before. , even names, are destined and irreversible, just like blood ties, which cannot be severed."

Now Yi Shuihan was surprised: "Qianxue, this time it's your turn to teach me a lesson."

Qianxue smiled triumphantly: "In terms of intelligence, I can't catch up with you in a plane, but in terms of parental affection, you don't even have a half-knowledge."

"...Then what should I do?" Yi Shuihan asked unnaturally.

"That's your father, then you should be filial to him, not to mention that he loves you so much." Qianxue acted like you even wanted to ask this question.

Yi Shuihan was stunned, she had a father, and suddenly she had a father, and she had already started to fantasize about what he looked like, whether he was strict, gentle, or...

"Hey, you haven't said who you are." She asked this question three times, but she still didn't mention the topic.

"Shui Han, Your Royal Highness the Seventh Empress of Tianshui Kingdom."

What?It took Qianxue a long time to recover, she looked at Yi Shuihan incredulously, and asked in a daze, "You, you are the princess?"

"It's not me, but 'she' is." Yi Shuihan corrected.

"Aren't you just her? You have integrated into her and accepted everything about her." The more Qianxue thought about it, the happier she became. Han accepted her as a righteous sister, and then she became a half princess, hahaha.

"Qianxue, your expression has already betrayed you." Yi Shuihan waved his hand in front of Qianxue.

"Ahem, I'm just too shocked, the water is cold, then when will you go to Tianshui Kingdom?" Qianxue thought in her heart that she would be like a princess, and this life would not be in vain.

"We'll talk about it after solving Wushang's trouble." Those who want to kill 'her' in Tianshui Kingdom, just wait for her to go back and kill them.

"Shuihan, can you take me with you, I also want to go to the Wulin League to see and see." Qianxue's tone was very good.

"Are you sure you want to go? Almost all the Rong family are guests in the Wulin League, and Rong Yu is also there."

"I can't miss the opportunity to meet Rong Yu just to avoid Rong Yu, and goodbye is also a friend."

"Okay, but you give me peace of mind."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely be safe and sound, so will Qiannuo and Chengbi go too?"

"I never thought of taking anyone there." The meaning behind the words was already very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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