Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 687: Martial Arts Alliance 11

Chapter 687: Martial Arts Alliance 11
"No." Qian Nuo didn't want to continue this topic, so he left. Shui Han was never domineering towards him, and even went along with him very much, but this was very bad.

"Hey, where are you going? It's almost time for dinner." Qianxue was very depressed, and everyone pretended to be deep, causing her to guess.


In the middle of the night, Yi Shuihan quietly left the post station and slipped into the Wulin League alone. Yesterday, Huaying had sent Huaying to inquire about the forbidden courtyard where Wushang was located, so it was easy to find him.

The Wulin League is very large, with very high walls, scattered courtyards, and many guards.

Yi Shuihan wore a light blue brocade robe, which was flamboyant enough, like a falcon in the dark night, sharp and nimble, and fell into the room accurately.

The candlelight was suddenly extinguished, and the moonlight poured in from the window and scattered into the room.

Wushang sat on the chair the whole time, as if he was waiting, and when he got it, he couldn't help but smile happily.

Yi Shuihan sat down on a chair casually, and scanned Wushang with complicated eyes, as if looking for some kind of memory.

"Shuihan, I'm very glad you can come." Wushang spoke first, with joy in his tone.

"Wushang, you said you knew me before, what was my name when you knew me?" Yi Shuihan looked directly at him.

"You have always been Yi Shuihan, and you have never changed in my heart." Wushang didn't know why she asked such a question, but answered truthfully, as long as she wanted to know, he would tell her.

Yi Shuihan's eyes became a bit cold, there are only two possibilities now, one is that the extremely stupid Shuihan is faking it; the other is that Wushang really knows her.She doesn't believe that there are two people who are exactly the same, so it may be ruled out.

"Wu Shang, who are you?"

"Shui Han, don't you already know? But Shui Han, I still don't know anything about you." Whether it was before or now, he knew almost nothing about her, only the memory of that month.

"Hehe, Wushang, I'm afraid you are the one who knows me best." Yi Shuihan's lips were curled up, enchanting and gorgeous, but the coldness in his eyes did not decrease by half, only ice.

"... Shuihan, do you remember?" Wushang was a little at a loss, with a trace of nervousness, joy, anticipation, fear, panic, and countless emotions mixed together.

"I won't ask you when I remember, so, will you tell me? Maybe I can really remember." Yi Shuihan smiled charmingly.

"Shui Han, you are such a little fox. I said that when you fall in love with me, I will tell you that I will never break my promise." Wushang smiled slightly, but his eyes were a little depressed.

"Didn't you say that I killed you once? If you don't tell me, I don't mind killing you one more time." Yi Shuihan was a little angry and out of control. Wushang also came from the 21st century and knew her, and in her memory There is no such a person as Wushang, Wushang knows everything about her, but she knows nothing about Wushang, this feeling of being watched makes her very uneasy.

When Wushang heard this, he was surprised for a moment. Although Shuihan didn't remember it, he already knew it.

"Shuihan, you won't, you won't kill me, you almost fell in love with me in your last life, but unfortunately I don't have the life to wait for you to fall in love with me, so, God let us be reborn here, all of this is a ghost It's destined, Shui Han, why don't you try to accept me?" Wushang felt pain in his heart, and everything could start anew.

(End of this chapter)

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