Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 688: Martial Arts Alliance 12

Chapter 688: Martial Arts Alliance 12
"The last life has passed, if you don't tell me, then don't appear in front of me again!" Yi Shuihan said, either cut off everything in the previous life, or let her know everything , she hates the feeling of being kept in the dark, it makes her very insecure.

"Shuihan, how could you do this?" Wushang said sadly, as if he was complaining about his lover.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense. I will leave the Wulin League in three days. If you still don't want to say it, I won't force you." Yi Shuihan glanced at Wushang, and after finishing speaking, he got up and turned out the window. After a while it disappeared into the night.

Wushang smiled wryly, should he tell her?If you don't say it, she will leave; if you say it, will she remember it?Will you still accept him after remembering?

He walked to the window and looked at the darkness in the distance, and she disappeared in the direction.

The moonlight is clear, scattered all over the place and no one cleans up.


Yi Shuihan walked around the martial arts league swaggeringly, she was dressed in a suave manner, no one would think that she was a thief, and she even made those maids obsessed.

"Little girl, do you know where Rong Yun's room is?" Yi Shuihan stopped a maid and asked with a polite smile.

The little servant girl's mind flashed, when did a handsome young man come to the Wulin League, under the moonlight, he looked like a banished fairy.

Yi Shuihan's red lips froze when he smiled, and he couldn't wait for the little girl to reply, so he asked again: "Little girl, do you know where Rong Jun's room is?"

The little maid regained her composure, pointed to the corner, and said in a daze, "The room of the third son of the Rong family? Just turn left. It's in the separate room in the courtyard. I, I'll take you there."

Yi Shuihan looked into the maidservant's eyes, and said with a charming smile: "No need, little girl, you are sleepy, go to sleep, remember, you have never met me before."

The little servant girl was in a trance, and nodded in a daze: "I have never met you, son, I am sleepy, and I am going to bed." After speaking, she went back to the room to sleep in a daze.

Yi Shuihan planned to ask Rong Yun about Wushang, maybe Rong Yun would know something.

According to the servant girl's instructions, I came to a courtyard. The most special thing about this courtyard is that there are no flowers. There were flowers all the way she walked just now.

Seeing that there was no candlelight in the room, it was estimated that Rong Yun had already fallen asleep, so she didn't want to disturb her.

When Yi Shuihan was about to leave, suddenly there was a sound from the room, it was the sound of the cup falling to the ground and breaking.

Her curiosity was playing tricks again, so she approached the room lightly and listened carefully. There was no candlelight, but there was noise. What happened?

There was a slight rubbing sound, like the sound of struggling with the rope, Yi Shuihan became a little anxious, did something happen to Rong Yun?

"Who is it?" A cold voice came from the room, and the voice seemed a little strenuous and a bit vigilant.

It was Rong Yun's voice, and when he was discovered, Yi Shuihan was too embarrassed to take a peek, and knocked on the door: "Rong Yun, it's me, have you fallen asleep yet?"

The people inside were obviously stunned, panicked immediately, and said after a long while: "Shui, Shuihan, what do you want from me?"

"It's nothing, there are other people in your room?" She also heard an irregular breathing sound, and she was sure there were other people in the room.

"No, no, Shuihan, you, you go back." Rong Yun said incoherently, his tone seemed to be trying to bear something.

(End of this chapter)

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