Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 691: Martial Arts Alliance 16

Chapter 691: Martial Arts Alliance 16
"Shui Han, don't let me go..." Rong Yun recognized her voice, and replied dimly.

During Yi Shuihan's tangled period, Rong Yun dawdled on her body in a daze. He didn't know whether it was the effect of the medicine or the desire in his heart. He was a little bit clear and a little bit hazy. No matter what, he wanted to sink into this dream .

"Rong Yun, will you regret it?" Yi Shuihan was very sober.

"No regrets, never regrets..." Rong Yun's eyes reflected her face, don't wake up, let this dream last forever.

Hearing this, Yi Shuihan didn't hesitate any more, and tore off his clothes, Rong Yun's complexion was almost transparent, with a touch of pink.

"Don't leave me, Shuihan, I'm afraid, promise me, don't leave me." Rong Jun said in a pleading tone, panicked and cautious.

"I won't leave, relax." Yi Shuihan felt his stiffness.

"Shui Han, you promised that you will never leave me again, and I will not let you go." Although Rong Yun was a little confused, he knew exactly what he was doing at the moment.

Two people hugging together is the combination of body and soul, the sublimation of spirit.

The autumn moon is boundless, the clouds are light and the wind is light, as if even the wind has slowed down, passing quietly, for fear of disturbing anything.


The next day, the morning sun rose, and the mist from last night was liquefied by the sunlight into water droplets, hanging on the green leaves crystal clear, sparkling, reflecting beautiful brilliance.

The morning mist has been dispersed, and the sky is clear, and today will be a fine sunny day.

The air temperature in the room has dissipated, leaving only the deserted room, like a dream suddenly awakened.

Only the crescent-white brocade robe remained on the ground, the sheets on the bed were scattered messily, and the corners of the quilt slipped to the ground.

A gorgeous dream to the extreme.

Rong Yun stared blankly at the top of the bed in a daze, those shameful but beautiful images of last night were clearly printed in his mind.

In his dream, he was entangled with Shui Han, and they depended on each other. It was so beautiful that it made him blush and heartbeat, unable to extricate himself...

Is this a dream or a reality?
"Shuihan..." He called softly, but the response was still a deserted silence.

He stood up in a daze, only to realize that he was not fully clothed, and the mottled marks on his body told him that everything that happened last night was true. Thinking of this, his face became hot, his heart beat faster, and he was at a loss.

It's not a dream, it's not a dream, the plum blossom on his chest has disappeared.

It seemed that there was still her breath on the bed sheet, which made him nostalgic and intoxicated.

"Shuihan..." He called again softly, revealing a hint of anxiety and panic. She said last night that she would not leave him. Could it be that Shuihan lied to him?
The soft call melted in the room, and finally disappeared, but there was still no response.

Rong Yun became more and more panicked, got up in a hurry, dressed and washed in a hurry, and then cleaned up the mess in the room.


The gate of the Wulin League has passed through high steps, and the three imposing characters of "Wulin League" are engraved on the high-hanging stone plaque. There are two mighty stone lions on both sides of the gate.

Lin Meng brought Qianxue and Huaying into the Wulin League. Huaying was completely a foil, and he, a grown man, was too embarrassed to participate in the tricks of playing tricks on little girls like Qin Jiaojiao.

According to Lin Meng's knowledge, Qin Jiaojiao usually spends at least half an hour in her room dressing her eyebrows before going out.

But when they went to Qin Jiaojiao's residence, there was no movement in the room. After asking the maid who took care of the yard, she found out that she hadn't seen Qin Jiaojiao this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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