Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 692: Martial Arts Alliance 17

Chapter 692: Martial Arts Alliance 17
"I don't see anyone so early in the morning, maybe I'm going to do something sneaky again." Qianxue peeled a banana and ate it. She even prepared a banana.

"Junior Sister Qin pays great attention to sleep, so she probably won't go out early." Lin Meng thought for a while.

"Then postpone the action until the afternoon. Since it's rare to come, let's go find Rong Yun and Rong Rong now." After Qian Xue finished eating the bananas, she threw the banana peels in front of Qin Jiaojiao's room door.

Seeing this, Huaying's mouth twitched, only Qianxue could do such a naive thing.

"The female family's courtyard is to the south, and the male family's courtyard is to the north. Who will I take you to first?" Lin Meng asked.

"If it's so troublesome, let's find Rong Rong first." Qian Xue said.

With a bitter face, Huaying said, "Qianxue, didn't you let me carry this bag all morning?"

This bag is filled with some teasing things, even mousetrap and itching powder.

"Let's hide this bag of things first." Lin Meng shook her head helplessly, unexpectedly Qian Xue's so-called preparations were these things.

After hiding the things in the flowers, the three of them went out of the yard and met the maid who was usually ordered by Qin Jiaojiao.

"Miss Lin, are you here to find Miss Qin?" Xiao Ru said to Lin Meng, and looked suspiciously at Qianxue and Huaying again. Who are these two people?

"No, I came to see Senior Sister Liu, but she wasn't here, so I guess I went to practice martial arts." Lin Meng said.

"Miss Liu is working hard. She went up to the mountain to practice martial arts early." Speaking of this, Xiao Ru glanced at Qin Jiaojiao's room and asked in a low voice, "Miss Qin hasn't come back yet?"

"Oh? Did Junior Sister Qin go out early?" Lin Meng asked suspiciously.

"No, I didn't come back last night." Xiao Ru said with some contempt, usually `she was ordered by Qin Jiaojiao, and she was already dissatisfied with Qin Jiaojiao in her heart.

When the three of them heard this, they felt that something was wrong. Lin Meng was a little surprised, and pretended to be worried: "Junior Sister Qin didn't come back all night? Could something be dangerous? Do you want to tell Master?"

Xiao Ru hurriedly said: "No, no need, miss Lin, don't worry about it, Miss Qin hasn't come back, I think she is very happy now."

"How do you say that?" Suspicion flashed in Lin Meng's eyes.

Xiao Ru was a little hesitant, looked at Qianxue and Huaying, and smiled embarrassedly: "It's okay, it's okay, Miss Lin, you will know about this sooner or later, and you will know it well."

Lin Meng said: "Since I know sooner or later, you can tell me. If you say half and don't say half, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Both of them are my good friends."

Xiaoru looks like she wants to say something but dare not say it. Of course she wants to make a big splash about the people she hates, but she also needs to know how to restrain herself.

Lin Meng smiled: "Xiao Ru, you might as well just say it straight, we won't tell others."

In fact, Xiaoru also couldn't understand Qin Jiaojiao's bullying of Lin Meng, so she looked around and said at ease: "Last night, I saw that Miss Qin was dressed so nakedly, and she went to the residence of the male family in the north with a happy face. It can be seen that Miss Qin is interested in the third son of the Rong family, and she didn't come back all night..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ru blushed a little, and was embarrassed to say any more.

When the three of them heard this, they were a little stunned. Qin Jiaojiao was too aggressive.

Seeing the different expressions on the faces of the three of them, Xiao Ru hurriedly said that she had something to do and walked away.

It took Qianxue a long time to recover from her senses, what a pity, has Qin Jiaojiao already succeeded in Rong Yun?

(End of this chapter)

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