Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 694: Martial Arts Alliance 19

Chapter 694: Martial Arts Alliance 19
Qianxue understood, took a breath, and absolutely must not be found out that there was something strange about them, and walked back slowly, in a good mood and more leisurely.

The three of them went back along the way, and saw all the people from the Martial Arts League rushing in. Seeing Qin Jiaojiao's appearance, they were so shocked that they could stuff their mouths with eggs. Those servant girls who didn't like Qin Jiaojiao wanted to laugh He didn't dare to laugh, and felt uncomfortable.

Because there were too many bees and ants, they burned the straw to drive the bees away, and kept pouring water on Qin Jiaojiao. It took a long time to rescue Qin Jiaojiao from the tree.

At this time, Qin Jiaojiao's face was swollen like a pig's head, covered with red spots, because it was too itchy, Qin Jiaojiao cried and scratched at the same time, it was extremely miserable.

Several people hurriedly sent Qin Jiaojiao back to the room, some went to invite the doctor, and some went to inform Qin Xiao, and the crowd dispersed.

The world finally quieted down.

This courtyard is not big, there is only a front hall and a room, mainly for distinguished guests who don't like to be disturbed.

The three of them stepped into the courtyard and saw that Rong Yun was in a trance, frowning for a while, pacing back and forth.

"Rong Yun." Qianxue called out.

Rong Yun was startled, it was Qianxue's voice, so did Shuihan also come?He still didn't know how to face the cold water, adjusted his mentality, and looked along the source of the sound, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see. He was both grateful and disappointed.

"Rong Yun, what's wrong with you?" Qianxue walked over and asked.

"I'm fine, what's wrong with Miss Qian looking for me?" Rong Jun had already returned to his usual indifference.

"Hee hee, I'm here to ask you something, did Qin Jiaojiao come to see you last night?" Qian Xue was like a cat that caught a mouse.

last night?last night?Rong Yun's expression became more and more unnatural, and he shook his head after a while: "No."

Qian Xue stared at Rong Yun, but Rong Yun hesitated, probably lying, "Then why is Qin Jiaojiao outside your courtyard?"

"I don't know." When Qin Jiaojiao was mentioned, Rong Yun's expression became a little cold, and he said coldly.

"Hmph, boring, then I'm going to find Rong Rong." Qian Xue waved her hand, just as Rong Yu said, Rong Yun is really boring and dull.

"Miss Qian, wait a minute!" Rong Jun called out hastily.

"Huh? What else is there?" Qianxue looked at Rong Yun suspiciously.

Rong Yun's eyes flickered, and after a while he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Where is the water cold?"

Seeing him like this, Qianxue probably wanted to find Yi Shuihan but didn't dare: "It's just outside the Wulin League."

"...Is she there?" Rong Yun asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Qianxue nodded.

"How do you know she's here?" Rong Jun asked again.

"Why don't I know, I had breakfast with her this morning." Qianxue looked at Rong Yun strangely, why Rong Yun's question was so strange.

"What time is this morning?" Rong Yun's heart tightened, that is to say, Shui Han left last night.

"This morning is this morning, how early can it be, isn't it when the sun just came out."

"...How is Shui Han doing now?" Rong Yun asked a little nervously.

"What's the matter? It's the same as usual, what exactly do you want to ask?" Qianxue asked impatiently, why did she feel that Rong Yun was rambling.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Rong Yun was extremely disappointed, Shui Han said that he would not leave him, but what does Shui Han mean now, he left him and went back, and did not come to him.

(End of this chapter)

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