Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 695: Martial Arts Alliance 20

Chapter 695: Martial Arts Alliance 20
"Then let's go first." Qianxue saw that he was in a daze, probably because of Yi Shuihan again, alas, how could there be a woman like Yi Shuihan in this world?

After the three of them left, they went to the south to find Rong Rong. They wanted to go play with Rong Rong, but saw her frowning.

"Rong Rong." Qian Xue called out before calling Rong Rong's spirit back.

"Qianxue? Why are you here?" Rong Rong was a little surprised.

"We've come a long time ago and settled down at the station outside the Wulin League."

"I know, I said why did you come to the Wulin League?" Rong Rong whispered, she knew that Yi Shuihan and Qianxue were here, but Yi Shuihan once stole the holy cherry fruit, and came to the Wulin League so ostentatiously. too big.

"Lin Meng brought me in." Qian Xue said.

"What are you doing in the Martial Arts League? Are you here for Young Master Wushang?" Rong Rong doubted, everyone guessed that Yi Shuihan came for Young Master Wushang, but it's been almost three days, Yi Shuihan is still a little None of the actions.

"I don't know, and I don't know what kind of medicine Shuihan sells in her gourd. She always keeps secrets." Qianxue also has a headache. Yi Shuihan, if you are mysterious, you can be mysterious, but don't worry everyone.

Rong Rong frowned, feeling a little depressed again.

Qianxue could see it, so she said: "Rong Rong, you don't have to worry, Shui Han said, Wushang doesn't need to be rescued, he can come out by himself."

Rong Rong said angrily: "Young Master Wushang is not one of you, of course you said so."

Qian Xue said: "You are just worrying unnecessarily, what Shui Han said is not wrong, and it is useless for you to worry about it."

Rong Rong didn't speak, she had a bitter face, she hated herself for worrying, but she couldn't help, it was useless at all.

Qianxue went over and stroked Rong Rong's shoulder, and comforted her: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic. There is a solution to everything, but the time has not come, so don't be in a hurry. Let yourself relax, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable, and the people who care about you will feel uncomfortable." Not comfortable either."

Rong Rong nodded: "Thank you, Qianxue."

Qianxue smiled: "Thank you for what. You were the one who comforted me when I was in Nanlin Villa. At that time, my situation was even worse, and I have made it through the same way."


At dusk, when Qianxue and Huaying returned to the station, Qianxue went to find Yi Shuihan.

Qianxue was a little tired after playing all day, she sat down on a chair and poured a cup of tea, and asked, "Shui Han, Rong Yun asked about you in the morning."

"Huh? What's wrong with him?" Yi Shuihan frowned slightly.

"It's nothing, I just lost my soul, why don't you go and see him, if you don't like him, you'd better dump him, don't make Qian Nuo sad." Qian Xue warned.

Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead and gave in.

Qianxue took a look at Yi Shuihan and saw her troubled look, so she asked, "Did you go to Wushang last night to find any results?"

Mentioning this matter, Yi Shuihan became even more annoyed: "No, but I can tell you that Wushang, like us, came from the earth."

"What, what?" Qianxue jumped up from the chair in shock, and she couldn't be more surprised: "Then that Wushang said that he knew you before, and it was you?"

"So, this universe is too small. He said he knew me, but I have no memory of him at all. He knows everything about me, but I know nothing about him."

"How could it be? Impossible, unless you have lost your memory." Qianxue said with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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