Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 696 Journey to Tianshui 01

Chapter 696 Journey to Tianshui 01
Amnesia?Yi Shuihan shook his head: "I'm sure, I have never lost my memory, my memory has always been very good..." She has never lost her memory, but she...

"What's wrong? Did you remember something?" Seeing Yi Shuihan, Qianxue suddenly stopped.

"It's okay, I'll ask Wushang again tonight, you go out first, let me be quiet." Yi Shuihan waved his hand, she didn't have amnesia, but she was hypnotized and lost a month, June .

"Okay." Qian Xue walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.


In the middle of the night, the moon and stars are sparse, the autumn wind is rustling, and the shadows of the trees are whirling.

A graceful figure fell into the room from the window, and the candle light flickered slightly, flickering and flickering.

Incense was lit in the room, it was very faint and calming, but Yi Shuihan frowned, she couldn't ask what kind of incense it was.

Wushang sat on the chair and kept looking at her, as if he had expected her to come: "Shui Han, sit down, let's have a good talk."

Yi Shuihan glanced at him probingly, then sat down on the chair and waited for him to speak.

"Shuihan, I decided to tell you."

"The reason, or the condition." She didn't believe that he suddenly changed his mind and would tell her for no reason.

"No, if you have to say yes, I'm afraid you will leave." Wushang smiled lightly, with an unclear look in her eyes, her toneless words, as if she was negotiating a deal, really hurt his heart.

Yi Shuihan's expression froze slightly, she suddenly couldn't understand Wushang, maybe she had never understood it before.

"Shuihan, in fact, we only knew each other for a month in the last life, June..."

"Who are you?" Yi Shuihan suddenly stood up and looked at him coldly. She sealed the memory of that June, no one would know, not even herself.

Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy, incense!
"Shuihan, I will remind you of everything..." Wushang stood up slowly, walked towards her with a smile.

"What do you want?" Yi Shui said coldly, eyes full of sternness, his tone was soft, his footsteps were flimsy, and he tried his best to shake his head to get rid of the dizziness.

"I'll hypnotize you and wake up your memory..."

"Don't come here!" Yi Shuihan took a step back and sat down on the chair. Her memory must not be peeked at!
"Shui Han, don't be afraid, people from Donglin Kingdom are looking for me, I don't have time, I want to tell you in advance." Wushang walked up to her, knelt down and looked at her deeply, and said softly.

"No, don't, I, I will kill you..." Yi Shuihan said with all his strength, her consciousness became weaker and weaker, the scene in front of her eyes became more and more blurred, and finally only Wushang's approaching face was left, his sad face Eye.

"You won't kill me, Shuihan, my name is... Zhongli Shuiyou." Wushang bent down and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Zhongli Shuiyou, Zhongli Shuiyou... Yi Shuihan only had this name in his mind, and immediately fell into the boundless darkness.

The incense in the room became thicker and thicker, leaving only a low and sad male voice echoing, very softly...


Two days later, early in the morning.

"The water is cold, the water is cold..." Several anxious and worried voices kept whispering.

Yi Shuihan broke free from the darkness, saw a few faint figures, and slowly, his vision became clearer.

Qian Xue stretched out her hand and waved in front of Yi Shuihan: "Shuihan, Shuihan, what's wrong with you..."

Seeing Qianxue, Qiannuo, Chengbi, and even Rongjun were there, Yi Shuihan suddenly sat up, wondering: "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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