Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 697 Journey to Tianshui 02

Chapter 697 Journey to Tianshui 02
Qian Xue said: "We asked you what happened, why did you faint at Wushang?"

Yi Shuihan was startled suddenly, all the long-sealed memories of June emerged, Zhongli Shuiyou was killed by her, the bullet passed through his chest, staining his white shirt red...

"Shuihan, what's wrong with you?" Qianxue asked carefully, she had never seen such a complicated expression on Yi Shuihan.

"...I'm fine, how is he?"

"What happened to who?" Qianxue wondered, Yi Shuihan was really weird, did he get some kind of stimulation?

"Zhongli, Wushang, where is he?"

"He was still in the forbidden courtyard of the Wulin League. We didn't see you back all night, so we went to find you, but you fell asleep in Wushang's place, and you fell asleep for two days after bringing you back." Qianxue blamed, Yi Cold water always scares people to death.

Yi Shuihan saw a few people with worried and haggard eyes, and felt inexplicably tense. After she came to this time and space, she met many people, and suddenly there were many unknown things, which caught her by surprise.

"I'm fine, you go to rest first, let me be quiet."

After everyone heard the words, they took a deep look at Yi Shuihan, and then went out.


In the afternoon, Yi Shuihan returned to his usual suave manner and appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that Rong Jun hadn't left yet, I asked him to talk to him alone.

Rong Yun was very pleasantly surprised, Shui Han was finally willing to talk to him, thinking about what happened that night, he felt extremely embarrassed, he didn't know if it was because of the hot weather or something, his face was slightly flushed.

"Rong Yun, are you okay?" Yi Shuihan asked, and regretted it after asking.

"Okay, I'm fine." Rong Jun looked at her, his eyes were bright, and Shui Han cared about him, which made him very happy.

"Rong Jun, give this to Wushang for me, and I'll give it to him tomorrow." Yi Shuihan handed a brocade box to Rong Jun.

"...Okay." Rong Yun felt extremely lost, and took the brocade box stiffly. It turned out that Shui Han came to him for this, for Wushang.

"I'm leaving the Wulin League tomorrow, Rong Yun, take care of yourself."

"Shui Han, what did you say?" Rong Yun's face turned pale, Shui Han said she was going to leave, she never thought of staying or taking him away...

"I can't stay here anymore, I have very important things to rush back."

Rong Yun's face turned pale again: "Shui Han, that night..." You said you would not leave me.

"Needless to say, that night was just a dream." Yi Shuihan said, Rong Yun was drugged at that time, and she became lustful, and it was only natural.

Rong Yun felt as if struck by lightning, his fingertips felt cold, his eyes were filled with heavy sadness, it was not a dream, it was not a dream, if it was a dream, then he would live in the dream forever.

Yi Shuihan turned around and left, it was impossible for her to stay for anyone, if she didn't hurt Rong Yun, she was hurting herself, she was also selfish.


Early the next morning, several people packed their luggage and were about to leave the station.

Qian Nuo hesitated for a long time, but still went to talk to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan originally wanted to talk to Qian Nuo, but now that Qian Nuo approached her first, she was somewhat confused about what Qian Nuo was going to say.

Qian Nuo looked at her, he always stared at her like this, but she never seemed to have him in her eyes, he was in pain, in love, and in fear.

"Shui Han, shall we leave the Wulin League just like this?"

"Well, there's no need to stay here anymore." Yi Shuihan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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