Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 709 Journey to Tianshui 15

Chapter 709 Journey to Tianshui 15
Yi Shuihan was a little relieved, her subordinates were not weak, their martial arts were top-notch, and they were considerate.

"Chengbi, I remember you used to despise me." Now she thinks it's incredible that she wants to marry her.

"With your reputation, I can't help but despise you."

"Okay, then how did you recognize me?" I remembered Xueying said that Chengbi had never seen Shuihan.

"I was originally Shuilian's dark man, and Shuilian wanted to usurp the throne and seek help from Beiming Kingdom, so he sent me to Beiming Kingdom.

The first time I saw you in Peach Blossom Residence, I felt that you and Shui Lian looked alike. After learning your name, I guessed that you might be the missing Shui Han, so I reported this matter to Shui Lian ripple.

Until I heard your portrait from Tianshui Kingdom, I was convinced that you were Shuihan. Shuilian thought that you wanted to usurp the throne, and you also went to Beiming Kingdom for help, so Shuilian changed her mind and asked me to approach you, Shuilian thought. Use your power to usurp the throne. "

Yi Shuihan was helpless, she was wronged: "Do you believe that I will usurp the throne?"

"I don't know if you will, even your water ripples are deceived by your acting skills, let alone me." Cheng Bi said angrily.

"I didn't act before. I was indeed tricked by the idiot Shui Wu. This only shows that I am even more stupid. The people of Shui Wu failed to murder me. As a result, I was seriously injured, and then... lost my memory."

"Amnesia?" Chengbi recalled that she once said that she knew nothing about this world, and that the books she read in the carriage could only be explained by amnesia, but: "It is impossible to completely change a person if you lose your memory. The idiot has become a person with strong martial arts and good calculations, which only shows that you were really hiding your secrets before."

Yi Shuihan has nothing to say, maybe Chengbi thinks that "she" was tricked by Shuiwu just as a cover, and she went to Beiming Kingdom under a name, but "she" was indeed killed by the people of Shuiwu, which means that "she" 'If you can't even fight the water mist, you can hide it deep.

"Chengbi, you are tired, sleep for a while, and you have to go to Bingcheng early tomorrow morning." Yi Shuihan said.

"This is the border of the ice city. It takes half a day to get to the ice city, and it takes a day to slow it down. Let's stay here for five days first, okay?" Chengbi asked.

"Why?" Yi Shuihan frowned, and Chengbi's thoughts became more and more difficult to guess.

"I've never been so relaxed, can you stay with me alone for five days?"

"There will be opportunities in the future, and it's not safe to stay here." She didn't want to stay here. First, it was unsafe, and Shui Lian would probably find them; second, she wanted to join Xueying and the others as soon as possible, and also wanted to see that father.

"Then stay for three days, just three days." Chengbi's hands tightened, her tone pleading.

"Alright then." She was not in a hurry, but Chengbi was a little abnormal.

When it was time to go to bed, Yi Shuihan struggled for a long time whether to share the bed with Chengbi, but seeing that Chengbi hadn't spoken, she pretended that he didn't mind, and slept next to him for an afternoon nap.


It wasn't until dusk that the two woke up. After dinner, Chengbi said that she wanted to take a walk in the town, so the two went for a walk together.

The sky was a little dark, the shops on the street began to close, and it was relatively quiet, with only a few people returning home, a peaceful scene emerged spontaneously.

When passing by the tailor shop, Chengbi bought two very small and exquisite sachets, only the size of jade pendants, but there were no spices inside.

(End of this chapter)

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