Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 710 Journey to Tianshui 16

Chapter 710 Journey to Tianshui 16
Yi Shuihan was curious, would Chengbi also buy these things? "What is it used for so small?"

"I can't tell you." Chengbi smiled, the first smile in so many days.

At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the moonlight is clear, the silk ribbons on the riverside brush the embankment, and the river surface is sparkling.

The two walked along the river bank like ordinary couples, roaming along the river bank, feeling the peace and tranquility at this moment.

At night, the two returned to the inn, slept in the same bed, put all troubles aside, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, the two didn't get up until the first ray of sunlight in the morning hit the window sill.

The strands of hair were messily scattered on the bed, all entangled together, inseparable for a while.

"Don't move." Chengbi stretched out her hand to straighten out her hair and parted it one by one.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, and she suddenly felt that Chengbi had changed. If she used to ridicule her almost every day, with a smile that was not a smile, her eyes were very venomous, but now she has become silent, gentle and quiet.

"Chengbi, why do you like me?"

"Don't you like me?" Chengbi's expression darkened, and her hands stopped.

"I like it, why don't I like it." Yi Shuihan said quickly, it doesn't matter if you don't like it.

"...Then what do you like about me?" His face was a little brighter.

"Well, this..." Let her say what.

"Say it quickly." Chengbi urged, the answer after hesitating became untrue.

"You are like poppy, gorgeous and cold, so beautiful that it makes people addicted..."

"You just like my looks?" She was interrupted by Cheng Bi before she finished speaking, and her face became gloomy again.

Yi Shuihan was a little helpless. She had been a romantic all her life, but now she was reduced to trying to please men? !

Seeing that she didn't speak, Chengbi roughly parted their hair and got off the bed angrily.

"No, I say you are beautiful to praise you." Yi Shuihan hurriedly got out of bed to hold him, Chengbi's attack was so ruthless that she almost tore off her hair.

"I don't want to hear flattery." Cheng Bi said indifferently, standing still and letting her pull her. His action was an opportunity for her to explain.

"I don't need to say flattering words to you. As for what I like about you, I can't tell." Yi Shuihan put his arms around his waist, probably no man would refuse her hug.

When Chengbi heard this answer, he felt much better, because he couldn't tell what he liked about her. She was a rascal, despicable, shameless, treacherous and cunning, how could he like such a woman?
Maybe since she broke his mind in Peach Blossom Residence, helped him solve Yu Hongtian's troubles, and healed him in the cave...the day before yesterday she took his hand and led him out of the darkness...

"Chengbi, you should eat more in the future, you are too thin, you don't feel comfortable in your arms." Yi Shuihan said suddenly.

Chengbi became angry again when she heard it, and pushed her coldly, with a half smile but not a smile: "You feel good about hugging them?"

Yi Shuihan almost choked, Chengbi was jealous?Quickly took his hand: "No, no, don't be angry, I just think you are too thin and unhealthy, it's better to grow some flesh."

Chengbi snorted coldly, he didn't expect her to be single-minded to him, all he asked for was these three days.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, just pure... caring." She thought for a long time before she came up with the word caring, and she had never coaxed a man in her life.

"Go and sit down." Chengbi pushed her onto the chair.

"What to do?" Yi Shuihan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and Chengbi stopped being angry.

(End of this chapter)

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