Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 714 Ice City Palace 02

Chapter 714 Ice City Palace 02
When Chengbi heard this, her heart cooled down. He really killed her. He shouldn't expect to stay for three days. If she goes back early in the morning, she won't be poisoned.

"As long as you obey my arrangement, I'll give you medicine to relieve pain every half month." The powerful light in Shui Lian's eyes suddenly appeared. No matter how deep Shui Han was, in the end, he was not defeated by her, but also because of a man. Defeat, no matter how clever Shui Han is, there is nothing to be afraid of if he has a weakness.

"Okay, can we go then?" Although it was a question, Yi Shuihan had already pulled Chengbi out of the room in action.

Shui Lian frowned, was Shui Han too calm: "Wizard, are you sure there is no antidote for that poison?"

The woman in the cloak nodded and hummed, her voice was hoarse like a knife being sharpened, and it was extremely ear-piercing.


The inn was empty, it was probably driven away by Shui Lian's people, seeing a few horses at the door of the inn, they probably belonged to Shui Lian, so Yi Shuihan had no choice but to take the horses by hand.

Away from the busy street, Cheng Bi suddenly grabbed her hand and asked in a daze, "Why do you want to take it? There must be no antidote, even if there is an antidote, Shui Lian will not give it to you, you will die, you know have no idea?"

Yi Shuihan smiled treacherously, stretched out his fingers, and there was a white thing between them: "Did you say that?"

Chengbi was astonished and couldn't believe it: "I clearly saw you eat it."

"It was dropped by me." She is the best at cheating, and she hasn't played this kind of trick for a long time.

"What did you eat just now?" Cheng Bi was still a little worried.

"Liar, I didn't eat at all."

Chengbi heaved a sigh of relief, the fear just faded away, she was a little annoyed when she was thankful, she actually played tricks on him, made him frightened for nothing, and showed his most shameful side, the more she thought about it, the more annoyed, regretful, this The dead woman was selfish, treacherous and cunning, how could she swallow that poison.

"Get on the horse, otherwise you won't be able to enter the city after dark." Yi Shuihan put the reins into Chengbi's hands, if he still doesn't want to leave, rape first and then kill!

With an unhappy expression on Chengbi's face, she got on the horse without saying a word, but felt uneasy in her heart, did he just leave with her?He never thought that he would have the opportunity to walk many, many walks with her before.


Ice City, the imperial city of Tianshui Kingdom, has a solemn and solemn white city tower, which is made of huge stones, and exquisite totems are carved on the walls, which are lifelike.

On the high gate are engraved with two imposing characters of "Ice City", and several huge carved stone pillars are erected on both sides of the gate, which is magnificent.

The soldiers guarding the city gate stood on both sides with spears in their hands, and people came and went in and out of the city gate in an orderly manner.

Compared with the ancient oriental country like the Beiming Kingdom, this place is a bit like an ancient European country, with some oriental elements mixed in.

When they arrived at the city gate, not only Yi Shuihan was timid, but Cheng Bi was also timid.

"...You, want to take me to see your father?" Chengbi was speechless all the way just now, and it took a lot of courage for Chengbi to ask this question.

"Ahem, yes." Yi Shuihan nodded unnaturally.

Hearing this, Cheng Bi felt a little happy, but more nervous and embarrassed.

"... How is your father?" He asked again with great courage.

"Are you nervous?" Yi Shuihan gave him a funny look.

"I'm just asking casually, it's fine if you don't say anything." Cheng Bi turned her face away angrily.

"Actually, I don't know too well. You are nervous, but I am tens of thousands of times more nervous than you!" She still didn't know how to face that father. She wanted to meet him very much. Said that she looks a lot like him, what exactly is the resemblance?

(End of this chapter)

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