Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 715 Ice City Palace 03

Chapter 715 Ice City Palace 03

Four tall women in guard uniforms stood on both sides of the gate of Xiangwang's Mansion, with knives at their waists, their hair tied up high, and they looked heroic.

Yi Shuihan and Chengbi looked at each other, the door of Xiangwang's Mansion was just ahead, but they walked more and more slowly.

"This is your mansion, why are you nervous?" Cheng Bi said angrily.

"I don't remember anything about the past, you brought me this way!"

As they talked, the two had already arrived at the gate of Xiangwang's Mansion.

Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say for a moment, he just looked at the mansion.

The guard at the door was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He forgot what to do for a moment, and his eyes were about to fall off.

"Refer to Your Highness." The four saluted, put their left hands under their right shoulders, bent at [-] degrees, and their stammering voices revealed that they had seen a ghost.

Someone in the front yard heard it, and they all looked at the door. They were so shocked that they couldn't speak. His Highness has been missing for more than half a year. That person is His Highness, but it seems to be a little different. Different, yes, he has grown taller. Looking even better...

"His Highness has returned to the residence..." Someone shouted.

In an instant, the entire Xiangwang Mansion was thrown into chaos, and everyone was turned on their backs.

Yi Shuihan is still standing at the door, can't he go in?
Just when Yi Shuihan was about to go in, a roar of the Lion from the East of the River stopped her completely.

"Shuihan..." Who is that voice but Qianxue?
Qianxue was running out of breath, but when she saw Yi Shuihan, she braked urgently and stopped in the front yard, looking in shock at Yi Shuihan standing at the door in gorgeous women's attire.

The master of ceremonies also rushed out, almost bumping into Qianxue, and then looked into the distance with Qianxue.

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, they arrived so soon?They even got to Xiangwang's mansion one step ahead of her. What method did they use to get into Xiangwang's mansion?

Just when Yi Shuihan was about to step in again, a black figure stopped her completely.

Black robe, black robe?Qian Nuo's logo, why is he here? ? ?

Yi Shuihan cleared his mind, Qianxue would definitely not abandon Qian Nuo, so it was normal.

But, but, isn't that crescent white one Rong Yun?
Four pairs of eyes were tightly glued to Yi Shuihan's body, for fear that she would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Yi Shuihan's feet seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and she couldn't move half a step. She looked back at Chengbi, and saw his calm face.

Did Chengbi know they were here early on? ? ?

A clear voice full of anxiety, joy, and longing entered Yi Shuihan's ears.

Yi Shuihan turned his head slowly, staring blankly at the person coming.

His footsteps are very hasty, like the wind, the corners of his clothes are slightly raised, the wind is clear and the moon is bright, graceful and luxurious, peerless elegance, long eyebrows fly obliquely into the temples, phoenix eyes are clear, red lips are bright, his appearance is quiet, his body is leisurely, and his demeanor is proud ...

Yi Shuihan was still in a daze, she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw someone who looked like herself, maybe it wasn't because of her looks, and she didn't know why.

"Han'er..." The visitor had already thrown himself on Yi Shuihan, hugging her slightly tremblingly.

Yi Shuihan froze, at a loss what to do, he leaned on her shoulder, if she heard correctly, is he crying?A big handsome man lay on her shoulder and wept pear blossoms and rain.

"...You, don't cry." Yi Shuihan hesitantly stretched out his hand to stroke his back to comfort him, and said in a somewhat stiff tone.

(End of this chapter)

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