Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 716 Ice City Palace 04

Chapter 716 Ice City Palace 04
No one would comfort her like this, but the client suffered it. He immediately stopped and looked at her carefully to see if she had endured hardship or lost weight.

Yi Shuihan's heart tightened, his hands froze as he looked a little unnatural.

"Han'er, are you tired?" Lan Zhiqiu held back her tears and asked worriedly while holding her hand.

Yi Shuihan shook his head dully.

Lan Zhiqiu looked at her in a daze. His daughter had really changed. He didn't believe it at first. She had grown taller and calmer.

The little attendant next to him said: "Prince Xiang, Your Highness has just come back, let's go in first."

Lan Zhiqiu nodded, and took his daughter's hand in with joy on his face. Only his daughter was left in his eyes. He pulled her and walked across the front yard to the front hall.

When passing by Qianxue and the others, Yi Shuihan looked at a few people, why are you here?

Qianxue just smiled and winked at Yi Shuihan.

When they saw Chengbi, they were all surprised. They learned from Xueying that Yi Shuihan was captured by Chengbi, but now that Shuihan and Chengbi came back together, what twists and turns are there?What surprised them the most was that the golden butterfly in the corner of Chengbi's eyes disappeared.

Qianxue stared fiercely at the corner of Chengbi's eyes, she remembered that Wushang said that the golden butterfly was..., and now it's gone, so, could it be that Yi Shuihan did it? ? ?
Cheng Bi received different gazes from everyone, and stopped in her footsteps.

Lan Zhiqiu looked back at the crowd, and said calmly, "Everyone, come into the front hall."

Yi Shuihan looked back at Chengbi, beckoning him to follow, you are nervous, I am tens of thousands of times more nervous than you.

When everyone entered the front hall, all eyes were on Yi Shuihan.

And Yi Shuihan's gaze was only around Lan Zhiqiu, his face was full of joy, his whole body was full of noble and elegant charm, gentle and elegant, he looked only about 40 years old, but she knew that his actual age was nearly five Ten, there are vicissitudes left by the years in the eyes, the peace and tranquility after the wind and rain, and the transparency after the world of mortals, like dusty jade in the rough.

"Han'er, are you feeling unwell? Why don't you say a word." Lan Zhiqiu was a little worried.

"I'm fine." She didn't know what to say.

"Han'er, you have grown up." Lan Zhiqiu smiled gratifiedly.

Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say.

Qianxue smiled and pushed Yi Shuihan: "Shuihan, you have been here for so long and haven't called your father, it's really unfilial."

Hearing this, Lan Zhiqiu looked at Yi Shuihan, and his children really didn't say a few words after they came back, not even calling him.

Yi Shuihan felt uncomfortable, and said stiffly: "...Father, father, daughter is not filial."

"Okay, okay." Lan Zhiqiu was so moved that he almost cried again. In the past, his daughter was arrogant and domineering, so how could she say such things, but now that she heard it, this was her daughter's greatest filial piety to him.

Qianxue smiled and said: "Father, Shui Han made you happy like this with just one word, and you will have it later."

Yi Shuihan looked at Qianxue suspiciously, foster father?What trick did Qian Renxue use?
Lan Zhiqiu smiled: "If Han'er is half as sensible as Xue'er, I can rest assured."

"Shuihan is much more sensible than me, foster father, don't worry." Qianxue smiled sheepishly, Yi Shuihan, I'm sorry, your image in your father's heart is really bad, I've tried my best to brainwash your father.

Lan Zhiqiu looked at Cheng Bi, frowned, he was a charming man, and asked his daughter gently, "Han'er, which family is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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