Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 731 Ice City Palace 19

Chapter 731 Ice City Palace 19
The maid was flattered, but seriously, could this be His Highness's test for her?So he hurriedly said: "This subordinate dare not."

This kid is thinking too much.

"I can't drink it. If you don't drink it, it's a waste. Hurry up and catch it." Yi Shuihan urged.

"This subordinate dare not, how can this subordinate enjoy His Highness's soup casually?" The maid didn't dare to take it at all.

"It's not casual, I see that you are very serious about standing guard, so I reward you." Yi Shuihan stuffed the cup into the maid's hand involuntarily.

The maid looked at the soup in surprise. Could it be that His Highness really rewarded her?Now that the soup is in her hands, it's no use drinking it, or not drinking it.

Yi Shuihan seemed to be very concerned and said, "Drink it while it's hot, it's not good if it's cold."

The maid looked moved and said excitedly, "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward."

"No thanks, no thanks, drink quickly." Yi Shuihan smiled wickedly in his heart, wishing you and your husband a happy and full moon tonight.

The maid was so moved that she almost cried, she drank the soup as if she was drinking the best food in the world, she had never tasted such a delicious soup before, she felt refreshed after drinking it, the little bit of fatigue just disappeared, it really was a reward from His Highness Good soup, she has to show off to her sisters when she goes back, His Highness rewarded her today.


In the evening, Yi Shuihan was invited to Rong Yun's yard, she thought to herself, could it be Rong Yun's turn to seduce her tonight?

In the afternoon, she was ready, and secretly went out of the house to buy contraceptives. The medical technology here is so backward, and she didn't know whether the contraceptives would work or not.

Rong Yun felt very embarrassed, he shamelessly sent someone to invite Shui Han, although this was what Xiang Wang asked him to do, in fact, he wanted her to come, but he never dared to, for fear of Shui Han I think he is shameless and frivolous.

"Rong Yun." Yi Shuihan smiled at him.

"Shuihan." Rong Yun replied with a smile, letting go of the tension in his heart, but luckily Shuihan didn't think so.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yi Shuihan smiled again.

Rong Yun quickly looked away, since he came to Tianshui Kingdom, Shuihan has been wearing women's clothing, a light blue long skirt, and the only accessories on his body are the beads on the hair band, which is already extremely beautiful, so beautiful People can't take their eyes off.

"Rong Yun, I have something to tell you, you look at me." Yi Shuihan was purely spoofing, just now he said 'what are you looking at me for? ' Now let him look at her again.

However, when Rong Yun faced Yi Shuihan, his IQ had dropped to a negative number. He didn't need to make any judgments about Yi Shuihan's words. .

"Rong Yun, do you know about the alliance between Donglin Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Rong Yun looked a little sad, he thought Shui Han was going to say something important to him.

Go to war!Isn't that important? !
"I know, Qiannuo told me, Shuihan, let's not care about these things, it's a war of careerists, as long as it doesn't affect us, don't worry about it, okay?" He was worried. People from the royal family of Tianshui Kingdom, and he is from Beiming Kingdom, once they start a war, they are likely to attract criticism, and even make Shuihan be charged with trumped-up charges.

"Okay, don't worry about it." She didn't think about it, she was afraid that God would not let her wish, and who could say what would happen in the future.

"Shuihan, have you really forgotten everything from the past?"

Yi Shuihan nodded, she didn't mention this to Rong Yun, probably Qian Nuo said it.

(End of this chapter)

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