Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 732 Ice City Palace 20

Chapter 732 Ice City Palace 20
Rong Yun was silent for a while, his face was a little solemn: "Shuihan, have you really forgotten Wushang?"

When Wushang was mentioned, Yi Shuihan frowned. Zhongli Shuiyou, she was 15 years old that year, so she was young and ignorant. At that time, she really hesitated and regretted it, so she sealed that memory. Nine years, she has let go, time can dilute everything.

"I don't know if I still remember Wushang, it's been a long, long time." It was a matter of the previous life, let it go away.

Rong Yun didn't want to ask any more questions, but he knew that Wushang would find him one day.

"Rong Yun, have you heard of the Dark Pavilion?"

"That's yours?" Rong Yun said interrogative sentences, but he had already confirmed it.

"Yes." Yi Shuihan nodded, probably Qian Nuo told Rong Yun again.

"Shuihan, don't hide anything from me in the future."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me directly." She could only say that, because there were some things she couldn't tell anyone, she was extremely private, and it was impossible for everyone to fully expose.

"Okay, what you said, don't lie to me." Rong Yun smiled, feeling extremely happy in his heart. Before, Shui Han always concealed it from him. He knew that Shui Han was a little treacherous. .

"Rong Jun, it's getting late, go to bed."

Rong Yun felt nervous, she won't stay?What excuse was there for her to stay?He couldn't speak.

"By the way, Rong Yun, do you have anything to say to me?" Almost forgot, it was Rong Yun who invited her here.

"...No." Rong Yun shook his head in disappointment, but he still couldn't open his mouth.

"Then let's go to sleep."

Rong Yun looked at her in disbelief, did Shui Han mean us?In an instant, the loss in my heart was replaced by joy.

After washing their faces and changing their clothes, the two of them slept on the bed and lay down very neatly.

Rong Yun was unavoidably nervous, the previous few times he slept in the same bed with Shui Han was in a state of drunkenness.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, and saw that he was lying down well, and his sleeping position met the health requirements, so she guessed that Rong Yun would not do anything tempting, and if there was no temptation, she fell asleep.


The next day, the news that Yi Shuihan rewarded the maid with the cup of soup somehow reached the ears of King Xiang, so Yi Shuihan was summoned by King Xiang to question him again.

As soon as Yi Shuihan entered the room, he saw a cup of soup on the table, didn't he, and forced her to drink it?
"Father, it may not be good to drink too much tonic soup, it's easy to raise the fire."

"You still want to lie to me, you didn't drink yesterday's soup at all." Lan Zhiqiu's face was stern.

"...I didn't drink it. I'm really good. I don't know how to drink it. Father should reward this soup to others. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Yi Shuihan rushed out of the door before sitting down. , does she look like someone who needs to drink that kind of soup?

Lan Zhiqiu couldn't help but get annoyed for a while, and ordered a servant to prepare a carriage, and went into the palace.


At dusk, Xueying and the master of ceremonies came back, and things had been done in a hurry. The dark pavilion was divided into two parts, one pavilion was in the east of Beiming, and Fengying was in charge; the other pavilion was in Xiyue Tianshui, and Xueying Shadow is in charge.

In order to expand the influence of the dark cabinet, Yi Shuihan also secretly allocated most of the property to the dark cabinet, which was directly managed by the dark cabinet.Now the dark cabinet's information is relatively complete, and its financial resources are also very strong.

However, there is a lack of force. She has inspected the mercenaries trained in the past six months. This result is already very good, enough to run rampant in the market and the rivers and lakes. The royal shadow of the country's Tsing Yi Qi for decades, even hundreds of years, is like hitting a stone with an egg.

(End of this chapter)

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