Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 733 The War Begins 01

Chapter 733 The War Begins 01
Of course, she never thought of fighting these national organizations, and she has no intention of participating in the war, but it doesn't mean that she won't fight back when someone offends her, it's better to have more chips.

After the master of ceremonies came back, she went to look for Qianxue. Seeing that Qianxue was unhappy, she was about to surprise her, but Qianxue spoke first.

"Yo, are you back?" Qianxue glanced at him, then continued to be unhappy.

"Aren't you happy that I'm back?" The master of ceremonies said sullenly, during this period of time he was running around, Ganqing Qianxue wished that he would not come back.

"What's the matter?"

"So you're happy?" The master of ceremonies looked at her, but there was no happy expression on her face.

"What's there to be happy about?" Qianxue replied lightly.

The master of ceremonies was frustrated, that is, his presence or absence would not affect her emotions.

Qianxue looked out the window, there were not many leaves left on the tree, she suddenly felt a little cold, and it was almost winter.

"Master of ceremonies, did Shuihan tell you about the imminent war at the border?"

"I know, we just came back from the border."

"Oh? Then will you go back to Beiming Kingdom? If the two countries go to war, this will become your enemy country."

"What about you?" The master of ceremonies returned the question.

"I'm an internationalist. On a deeper level, Beiming is not my own country. As long as I can be with the one I love and everyone is happy, it doesn't matter where I am."

The master of ceremonies was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at her with blazing eyes, and said seriously: "Qianxue, I will go wherever you go."

Qianxue was stunned for a moment, then she was embarrassed and said in a bad mood: "What are you following me for? You can go wherever you want, don't follow me!"

The master of ceremonies was frustrated again, and whispered: "That's really a contradiction, you let me go wherever I want, but you don't want me to follow."

"You can go wherever you like, don't you have a place you want to go?" Suddenly, she understood Yi Shuihan's mood a little bit. There are things that are unacceptable. Maybe it's the unknown that brings fear, and she can't see clearly what lies ahead. , so dare not move forward.

The master of ceremonies felt lost, but smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this issue, I will take you to a place tonight."

"Where? What are you doing?" Qianxue looked at him. She hadn't seen the master of ceremonies for more than ten days. Looking at him so seriously, it seemed like a long time. She even felt that she hadn't seen him for a year. Was it because she never noticed the master of ceremonies, or the master of ceremonies changed too much? big?

"Fight and fight for territory with the gangsters. Master has issued an order that we will even mess with the gangsters."

When Qianxue heard this, the little melancholy just now disappeared, and she hurriedly said, "Okay, what do you need to prepare?"

"Don't be so happy. If there is bloodshed, your martial arts are not low now, but your actual combat experience is not enough, and you are soft-hearted. I'm afraid you won't be able to make a move."

"Who said, tonight you will see my performance!" Ever since she killed someone, she has been working hard to face the blood. Bingcheng has also made a name for herself. Almost everyone in the streets and alleys knows her as a street hooligan, and she often fights with female bullies.


Early the next morning, Yi Shuihan was rushed into the palace by the empress.

Yi Shuihan wondered what she was looking for, the army from Beiming to the east was about to overwhelm, and Shuiluo still had time to look for her.

Still in that palace, Yi Shuihan did not salute after entering, nor did she not salute, in fact, she didn't want to in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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