Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 736 The War Begins 04

Chapter 736 The War Begins 04
In the past two days, Qianxue and the master of ceremonies went out all day to expand the business to Tianshui Kingdom, and they were very busy.

In the evening, Huaying came back.

"The ruler of Tianshui is indeed nothing special, but I have a question. The ruler of a country has no heirs at the age of 26."

"Isn't it normal?" Yi Shuihan wondered, 26 years old is still very young.

"It's not abnormal, it's just that the average person has several children at the age of 26, let alone the king of a country with three thousand beauties in the harem." Huaying looked like you were an idiot.

Well?No way, Yi Shuihan felt a little helpless, most people at the age of 26 have to bear the responsibility of mother and father.

"Then what's the reason? Shui Luo doesn't like children?"

"I don't know about this level, but every time Shui Luo stays with a concubine, he will give a bowl of soup early the next morning." Huaying glanced at Yi Shuihan, and you understand the meaning.

Yi Shuihan felt that this was not an easy matter, why didn't Shuiluo want a child?

"Master, in fact, I suspect that the soup is just an ordinary tonic soup. The queen did this to deceive people and tell everyone that she doesn't want to have children for the time being."


The next day, King Xiang sent someone to invite Shuihan to come to question him.

After closing the door, the father and daughter looked at each other with very similar eyes.

"Han'er, don't you have anything to say?" Lan Zhiqiu's tone was somewhat reproachful.

"Yes, father, why did you tell Shui Luo about my private affairs?" Yi Shuihan even had the heart to hit the wall.

"She is your sister, how can you call her by her first name?" Lan Zhiqiu said.

"Even if she is my sister, she can't just check my privacy."

"Okay, from now on, father doesn't say anything. Did His Majesty enter the palace tell you about your side lord today?"

"Say it, in the end she said it's up to me."

"Han'er, this matter can't be taken lightly. I also like Qian Nuo and Rong Yun very much, but they are from Beiming Kingdom and they just came to Tianshui Kingdom at this time, so they have to be associated with it."

"Father, they have no intention, just trust me, don't worry, I will take care of anything."

Lan Zhiqiu wanted to say something else, but seeing his daughter speak confidently and calmly, and that her daughter has really grown up, he should believe that her daughter is responsible.

"Okay, I'm not worried, but Han'er, not to mention that Qiannuo and Rongyun are difficult to conceive, they are men from Beiming Kingdom, like women from Tianshui Kingdom, they are extremely taboo against such things, and Chengbi's identity is unknown, so you have to Choose a few worthy side lords, and choose among the minister's sons."

When Yi Shuihan heard this, she wanted to hit the wall again: "Father, don't do it. If you really choose me, I will only let them waste their lives. I don't want any children."

When Lan Zhiqiu heard this, he became anxious: "Han'er, just listen to your father once, and it will be considered as fulfilling your father's wish."

Yi Shuihan frowned, "Why do you and Shui Luo always force me to have a child?"

Lan Zhiqiu's eyes flickered, and he said, "Of course a father wants to hold his daughter's child."

"Father, tell me the reason, maybe I will think about it." Yi Shuihan was like a big bad wolf who kidnapped a little white rabbit, what she said was maybe.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, just like a little fox." Lan Zhiqiu glanced at his daughter, and now her daughter is much more treacherous.

"Father, since you said that, there is really another reason?" Yi Shuihan grabbed the little braid.

"There's no reason." Lan Zhiqiu flatly denied it.

"Father, I've grown up, you can tell me if you have anything, maybe I can handle it well, just trust me once, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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