Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 737 The War Begins 05

Chapter 737 The War Begins 05
Lan Zhiqiu smiled gratifiedly: "Your words are enough."

Yi Shuihan's face darkened: "That means you didn't tell me?"

Lan Zhiqiu shook his head and sighed: "Some things are not clear."

Yi Shuihan was very entangled in her heart, in fact, she really wanted to use hypnotism to trick her father, but he was her father, so he couldn't do that.

"If you don't know clearly, just say it slowly. I'm already this old, and you still have to hide it from me. I'm an adult, so I have the right to know." If you can't be tempted, then you can only coerce.

Lan Zhiqiu was startled, Han'er has the right to know, after thinking hard for a while, he slowly said: "Actually, Han'er, you and Luo'er are both my children, you are direct sisters."

lol?Shuiluo?Yi Shuihan was indeed shocked, such a bloody thing? "Then why did Shui Luo become the child of the first emperor?"

Lan Zhiqiu slowly said that the emperor and empress were poisoned and could not conceive, but this matter cannot be made public. The inability of the empress to conceive means losing the throne.At that time, there was already a prince and a queen, and the empress was desperate. Lan Zhiqiu had the best relationship with the empress, so he came up with a plan. Lan Zhiqiu and the empress were pregnant at the same time. Of course, it was a real pregnancy and a fake pregnancy. That is to say, the dragon was stolen, but the phoenix was not transferred, so there was the eldest daughter (the first daughter of Zhengjun) and the second princess Shui Luo.

Yi Shuihan was speechless, the bloody palace secret: "That means Shuiluo already knew?"

Lan Zhiqiu frowned: "She is your sister, why do you call her by her name?"

Yi Shuihan said: "Names are for calling, I still have a question, why doesn't Shuiluo have children?"

When Lan Zhiqiu heard this, his face was filled with grief, his heart was full of grief, and he said in a trembling voice: "Luoer has been poisoned like the empress."

Another explosive secret, Yi Shuihan was shocked again, and shook Lan Zhiqiu's hand: "Father, maybe this poison can be cured."

Lan Zhiqiu was heartbroken: "It was I who harmed Luoer. If I hadn't handed Luoer over to the empress back then, Luoer would not have been envied or poisoned."

"It's not your fault, father. No one can predict the world. Don't think about the bad things after they have passed. I will find a way to deal with it. Don't be sad, it makes me sad too."

Yi Shuihan coaxed him for a long time before Lan Zhiqiu laughed. She had some feelings, so men these days need to be coaxed.


Xue Ying came back, and Yi Shuihan made a simulated battle analysis report based on the intelligence, analyzing the situation of the four major powers, including the peripheral countries with certain strengths, and using various data to analyze the strength of each country, various pros and cons , and estimates of victory and defeat.

Of course, no matter whether this data analysis is accurate or not, the result is the defeat of Xiyue Kingdom. The purpose is to let Xiyue Kingdom and Tianshui Kingdom form an alliance to fight against the army of Beiming to the east and defend the Feminist Kingdom.

This report has been passed to the queen, and the queen sent an envoy to send the report to the king of Xiyue.

A few days later, Yi Shuihan was called into the palace again.

"The army of Beiming to the east is already under pressure. It is inevitable that Shui Lian will take the initiative to ask for a fight. The most puzzling thing is that Shui Lian asked you to fight together, but I did not agree." Shui Luo said.

It's not puzzling at all, Yi Shuihan frowned, what she was worried about happened, she was afraid that the water would drag her into the water.

Shui Luo: "Did you offend Shui Lian?"

Yi Shuihan: "It's more than offending, I robbed her alone."

(End of this chapter)

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