Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 743 The War Begins 11

Chapter 743 The War Begins 11
"I'm looking for death if I don't go. If you have nothing to do, just stay in Bingcheng." Yi Shuihan said.

"Don't worry, don't treat me like a little girl, I can already be my own." Qianxue couldn't say anything, she knew that no one could influence Yi Shuihan's decision, not even Xiang Wang, let alone her .

"I can see that you have indeed changed." Yi Shuihan smiled.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Shuihan. We have known each other for more than half a year. I remember that it was early spring at that time, and now it is almost winter. Looking back now, I was very willful at that time, and I did things regardless of the consequences, always causing trouble for you." Qianxue said rather I have a feeling that if it wasn't for Yi Shuihan, she might still be trapped in Qianjia.

"When did you become so hypocritical?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue.

"Hehe, Yi Shuihan, you have also become hypocritical. I found that you have become coaxing since you had a father, and you can say some humor with warmth. Before, you could only speak cold humor, but you were still cold to death. species." Qianxue said.

"Really?" Yi Shuihan smiled, did she really change?She doesn't dislike this change, and enjoys it very much.

"Yes, Shuihan, don't worry, I will tell jokes to your father when you are not around."

"Thank you."

"Do we need to thank each other..."


In a few days, the news that the Beiming army in the east was suppressing the border quickly spread in Tianshui Kingdom, and the whole country panicked.

On this day, the first snow of the year fell, and snowflakes drifted down over the ice city. The streets were extremely deserted. I don't know if it was because of the snow or the upcoming war.

The twelve big drums on the city gate sounded, and Her Majesty the Queen personally saw off the army to cheer up the army.

As soon as the overwhelming drums stopped, the gates of the city opened and the army left the city.

The chief general Nie Feng and the deputy general Shui Lian took the lead and walked in front of the army. They were majestic and imposing, especially Shui Lian, who was domineering herself, and her posture was as arrogant as a king.

Yi Shuihan was very upset, she didn't like someone who was more arrogant than her, especially if that person was Shui Lian.

General Nie Feng's elder brother is Shui Lian's father, that is, Nie Feng is Shui Lian's aunt, and most of the troops in this expedition belong to them.

Yi Shuihan rode behind on horseback, she said sadly, there is only a small army at her command here, and it was Shuiluo who gave it to her.

After leaving the ice city and walking to a remote section of the road, Shuilian stopped for a while, waiting for Yi Shuihan to come up.

"Shui Han, let's have a competition." Shui Lian said wildly, she wanted to see what kind of strength Shui Han had to make Cheng Bi betray her.

"Not interested." Yi Shuihan didn't even bother to look at Shui Lian, and Shui Lian issued a challenge, which shows that Shui Lian is an extremely competitive and proud person.

Shui Lian was not willing to let Yi Shuihan go, she had already made a move, and her fingers turned into claws to pinch Yi Shuihan's neck.

Yi Shuihan quickly bent his waist backwards and dodged it.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Shuihan's left hand and Shui Lian's right hand fought, and the two fought on horseback at the same speed.

From the perspective of the soldiers behind, they thought that the two sisters were practicing martial arts on horseback, and that they were worthy of His Royal Highness of Tianshui Kingdom. Their martial arts were so strong, and they deeply admired them.

Shui Lian's moves became more ruthless, she used her right hand, and her right hand is usually more flexible than her left hand, but Shui Han used her left hand, her speed and agility are not bad at all.

"Stop, I admit defeat." Yi Shuihan said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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