Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 744 The War Begins 12

Chapter 744 The War Begins 12
Shui Lian didn't stop at all, she wanted to find out about Shui Han's details, but until now she didn't know if Shui Han had put in all his strength.

"Third Sister, stop now, I've surrendered." Yi Shuihan raised his voice, looking as if he couldn't hold back, the sound of Third Sister's cry was so beautiful.

The soldiers at the back heard it clearly, and were terrified when they saw it. The seventh prince seemed to be about to fall off the horse, but the third prince didn't stop.

With a sound of ah, Yi Shuihan was slapped, fell off the horse, and rolled twice on the ground, damn it, her image was ruined.

"Your Highness Seventh, His Highness Seventh, are you injured?" The Twelve Shadows hurried over to help them. They had fought with His Highness, and they could tell at a glance that His Highness was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Ahem, ahem, I'm fine." Yi Shuihan looked weak.

Ying Yi understood, and said to Shui Lian: "Third Highness, your attack is too ruthless, don't tell me you put my master to death, my master is also your sister after all."

When the soldiers behind heard it, they also heard about the struggle between the princesses. Could it be that the Third Highness and the Seventh Highness have any friction or old hatred.

Shui Lian heard the words, her eyes were full of anger, she definitely avoided the slap of Shui Han just now, Shui Han did it on purpose, she was tricked: "How can you, a little guard, have the right to teach His Highness a lesson?"

"It was Yingyi who made a slip of the tongue, and Yingyi was just protecting his heart." Yingyi's goal had been achieved, and there was no point in conflicting with the three highnesses.

"Ahem, I'm a little dizzy." Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead.

Ying Yi hurriedly said: "Ying Er, Ying San, quickly help His Highness into the carriage to rest, he may have injured his head, Ying Si, please go to the military doctor."

Shui Lian was so angry that he was about to make a move when Nie Feng came.

"Lian'er, you are too impulsive." Nie Feng reminded in a low voice.

"Auntie, it's Shui Han!" Shui Lian said angrily in a low voice.

"Lian'er, you are good at everything, but you are too conceited and can't hold back." Nie Feng blamed a little.

Shui Lian kept silent, trying to calm down the anger in her heart, Shui Han!She will never let Shui Han go!How dare you be so arrogant after being poisoned by her!

in the carriage.

Yi Shuihan held the wine in one hand and the stove in the other, feeling very comfortable.

"Yingyi, your acting skills are not bad."

"You are far behind your Highness." Ying Yi blushed.

"Thank you for your appreciation, you should know what to do next." The real contest between her and Shui Lian began!

"Your subordinate understands." Ying Yi was sweating profusely, until today she got to know His Highness again, His Highness is simply omnipotent, shameless and treacherous.


On the first day, soldiers in the army rumored that the Third Highness and the Seventh Highness fought on horseback, and the Seventh Highness fell off the horse and was injured;

The next day, it was rumored that His Highness the Third had injured His Highness the Seventh;

On the third day, His Highness the Third was jealous of His Highness the Seventh and beat His Highness to serious injury;
On the fourth day, it was almost rumored that the Seventh Highness was beaten to death by the Third Highness.

On the fifth day, there was a battle report that the Beiming army in the east had broken through the three cities of Tianshui Kingdom.

On the same day, Xue Ying returned.

"Master, this Xiyue prince's name is Su Zisheng. He hasn't been in the Xiyue Palace since he was a child. He has hardly shown his face. He just returned to the Xiyue Palace not long ago. When he heard about the alliance between the Tianshui Kingdom and the Xiyue Kingdom, he took the initiative. I propose to marry you, my master, but I don’t know anything about your appearance or character.”

"Su Zisheng, who is so sacred?"

"Master, I believe you will see him soon. He is accompanied by the Xiyue army. I heard that he is here for you."

"Oh, then I'm really proud of myself." Yi Shuihan smiled, and he came here for her.

(End of this chapter)

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