Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 745 The War Begins 13

Chapter 745 The War Begins 13
It has entered the beginning of winter, and it snows almost every day. The speed of the march is getting slower and slower, and a series of difficulties are highlighted.

In the evening, when the army camped and rested, someone came to invite Yi Shuihan to discuss.

Almost all the people in the camp were from Shuilian, and Yi Shuihan was only surrounded by Xueying, who played the role of Shuihan's aide.

Nie Feng analyzed: "The three cities in the border city of Tianshui Kingdom have been lost, followed by Maicheng, Fengcheng, Yicheng, and Cangcheng. Cangcheng is the most important checkpoint of Tianshui's defense defense and faces Beiming in the east. The terrain of Cangcheng is complicated. Closed by Guanshan, almost a quarter of the army of Tianshui Kingdom is stationed. Although Cangcheng is impenetrable, it has not been consolidated for many years, and its defensive ability has declined. Moreover, it is facing the army of Beiming in the east. Once Cangcheng falls, The army facing Beiming to the east will drive straight in, unstoppable."

The implication is that Cangcheng cannot be lost no matter what.

The Baimian military division said: "It will take five days for the battle report to come from Maicheng. I guess Maicheng may have fallen by now. Fengcheng, Yicheng, and Cangcheng will follow."

Shui Lian glanced at the crowd and said, "The marching speed is too slow now. I'm afraid Cangcheng has already been captured by the time we arrive. Is there a way to speed up the marching speed?"

Military Master Baimian said: "Tomorrow's marching speed will be even slower. When we reach the border town, most of the places are deserted grasslands and wilderness. Once it snows, there will be a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. Soldiers are prone to snow blindness. You have to take a break every hour or two."

Shui Lian asked, "When will Xiyue's army arrive?"

Military Master Baimian said: "According to theory, it is estimated that there are still seven days before we reach the border of Tianshui Kingdom. Our army can't wait any longer. We must rush to Cangcheng immediately to support and defend Cangcheng, and then wait for the Xiyue army to come. To the east, Beiming counterattacked and drove the enemy out of Tianshui."

Shui Lian said: "Everyone, is there no way to speed up the journey?"

Military division Bai Mian said: "To speed up the journey, the snow blindness must be solved first."

Xue Jun said: "The only way to prevent snow blindness at present is not to look directly at the snow for a long time. If you have snow blindness, you can use fresh human milk or fresh milk in your eyes. During this period, you can no longer move on the snow. It will recover within one to four days. .”

Shui Lian was a little impatient, and said slightly angrily: "One to four days? I can't wait for half a day now! Is there any medicine to prevent snow blindness?"

The crowd was silent.

In the end, nothing came of it, the main general Nie Feng only asked everyone to go back and think about what to do.Then it broke up.


Yi Shuihan and Xueying lived in the same tent, and after returning to the tent, Yi Shuihan said a few words to Xueying.

"Master, is this method feasible?" Xue Ying asked.

"Well, Xueying, your communication skills are not very good. I'll give you a chance to practice, and I'll let you handle the Baimian army division. Make it better."

There was a look of embarrassment on Xueying's face, asking her to curry favor with this person, how could she curry favor?

Yi Shuihan said: "Look at your embarrassment, don't be sullen all day long, remember to be flattering, so that others will believe you."

"Yes, master." Xue Ying looked deathly.

Xueying went out of the camp, went for a walk, met Baimian army division, and then went forward to talk, the 'talk' was as usual, and then talked about the things discussed in the tent just now.

Xueying secretly revealed that she had read an example about snow blindness in an ancient book, but she just didn't know if it was feasible.

(End of this chapter)

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