Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 746 The War Begins 14

Chapter 746 The War Begins 14
Military Master Baimian was not a few years older than Xueying, and he spoke more easily: "It doesn't hurt to listen to it."

"The book says that the strong sunlight reflected on the snow will only cause damage to the eyes, but snow blindness is not caused by this. The main factor causing snow blindness is that there is nothing in the snow. Human eyes are always It tirelessly explores the world around it, from drop point to drop point, and if it searches for too long without finding any drop point, it becomes blind from tension."

Bai Mian asked in surprise, "Is that really the case?"

Xue Ying: "I don't know, that's what the book says."

Bai Mian: "Is there any solution mentioned in the book?"

Xueying: "Just put bright objects on the snow. You can send troops to plant darker flags on the marching route in advance. In this way, people's eyes will have a place to focus, and they won't be caught because of long-term problems." The gap in time causes tension in the optic nerve, which leads to blindness."

When Bai Mian heard this, he was dubious, and said: "I'll go discuss it with the general, whether it's feasible or not, I'll give it a try."

Xue Ying quickly grabbed Bai Mian and said, "Sister Bai Mian, don't tell the general that I said this."

Bai Mian wondered: "Why? If it's really feasible, you've made a great contribution."

Xueying looked around, and said: "Because I am the staff of His Highness the Seventh Highness, His Highness the Third and His Highness the Seventh, and you know that, Sister Bai Mian, my Highness does not want to offend anyone, but the Third Highness..."

Bai Mian hurriedly said: "Sister Xueying, you don't need to say it, I understand, I also heard about His Majesty the Seventh Prince falling from the horse, and I also know about the Third Prince."

Xue Ying smiled: "That's all right, thank you, Sister Bai Mian."

Bai Mian smiled and said: "Thank you for what, it's a great pleasure to be able to make you sister Xueying today."

Xueying also smiled and said, "Me too, well, I'm going to go back to sleep too, I can't sleep late."

Bai Mian said: "Sister Xueying, rest well."

After Xueying returned to the camp, her face couldn't be more tense, the smiles just now were more than the ones she has smiled in a year.

Yi Shuihan was lying on his side on the couch, with a stove, good wine, and delicious food. Is there anyone who marches and fights like her?

"Master, it's already done." With a blunt tone and a stiff expression.

Yi Shuihan smiled: "Xueying, don't be unhappy. You have offered a plan without offending anyone, and you have almost slandered Shui Lian. In the end, you have won the hearts of the people. It is worth being happy."

"Master taught me the right lesson." But she couldn't be happy at all, she would rather kill someone than do such a thing, fawning and flattering.

"Okay, go to sleep." Yi Shuihan yawned, Shui Lian is a lion, and it's not easy to deal with, she needs to gather enough energy to deal with it slowly.


Tomorrow, when we arrived at the vast wasteland, Shui Lian arranged for a small army to plant bright flags in front of the army.

With the snow blindness solved, there is no need to stop for a long time, and the speed of marching has also been accelerated.

The next day, the battle report came. As expected by Bai Mian's army commander, Maicheng had fallen, and the army facing Beiming to the east was unstoppable.

Four days later, when the army arrived at Cangcheng, Tianshui Kingdom had already lost six cities, which aroused the anger of the soldiers.

Cangcheng was in danger, and the generals stationed in Cangcheng breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the arrival of the support army, but they had to worry about the more than 30 troops facing Beiming to the east.

(End of this chapter)

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