Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 747 The War Begins 15

Chapter 747 The War Begins 15
"The last general, Ye Caizhu, welcomes the Third Highness, the Seventh Highness, and General Nie." Cangcheng Lord General Ye Caizhu did not salute, but straightened his back and said loudly.

Shui Lian: "General Ye, you don't need to be too polite. How is the battle going?"

Ye Caizhu looked solemn: "The enemy has already captured Yicheng, and will soon attack Cangshan Gorge, followed by Cangcheng. The enemy has more than 30 troops, while our army is less than 20. It is difficult to confront the enemy head-on. The army is expelled from Tianshui Kingdom, so it can only be outsmarted."

"Pass the battle report!" The spies hurried in and said, "General, the enemy is stationed on the plain forty miles outside the Cangshan Gorge."

When everyone heard this, their hearts turned cold. They didn't expect the enemy's offensive to be so fast.

Nie Feng's face was heavy: "When will the Xiyue army arrive?"

Bai Mian: "Four days at the earliest."

Shui Lian frowned, a little impatient: "Our army has just arrived. The soldiers are tired all the way, the climate has changed suddenly, and they are not used to the environment. It is difficult to deal with the enemy army for the time being. What if the enemy army attacks the city tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?!"

Nie Feng said: "Third Highness, please be safe and don't be impatient. The so-called soldiers and horses go before the food and grass are moved. If the enemy's food and grass are burned, it will definitely cause the enemy's army to be in chaos."

Bai Mian shook his head: "That's the army facing Beiming in the east. It's easy to be attacked by surprise, and the gain is not worth the loss. Moreover, it is difficult to burn in the current weather."

Ye Caizhu said: "For the time being, this is the only way. In the end, the general is willing to sneak into the enemy's army to burn food and grass."

Shui Lian pondered for a while, and said: "General Ye, you are the general of Cangcheng, how can you put yourself in danger."

Ye Caizhu said loudly: "In order to defend Cangcheng, the general will not hesitate."

Nie Feng said: "No, no one is more familiar with the complex environment of Cangcheng than General Ye, and you have to rely on General Ye to fight against the enemy. If something happens to General Ye, what should Cangcheng do? It's better to use the concealment technique for this matter." people go."

Ye Caizhu was a little anxious: "Then what should we do? Why don't we go and select some soldiers with better concealment skills right now."

Shui Lian said solemnly: "Let's leave this matter to Seventh Sister. Seventh Sister's concealment technique is the best here."

Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows, Shui Lian, you insisted on dragging me into the water, but unfortunately I am very good at water, you must be the one who drowned!

Ye Caizhu looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously. She had heard of the reputation of the Seventh Highness. She was already surprised that the Seventh Highness came with the army. She treated the Seventh Highness as a foil, or even troublesome.

Moreover, he was going to the enemy army to burn food and grass, and there was a lot of danger, and he might die at any moment. If something happened to the Seventh Prince, how would he explain it to the court.

"Since the third sister praised me so much, I won't evade it. If something happens to me, please take care of my father on my behalf." Yi Shuihan said as if he was going to die.

Ye Caizhu's face was shocked, but also moved. This Seventh Highness is a filial daughter and a brave man who put life and death aside for Tianshui Kingdom.

Hearing this, Shui Lian's face became a little ugly. She really didn't expect Shui Han's words to become so sharp, and every sentence secretly slandered her indirectly.

Nie Feng's face also changed, and he said: "It's not right for the Seventh Highness to go down. His Seventh Highness is a man of gold, how can he put himself in danger."

Yi Shuihan: "General Nie's words are wrong. You all protect Tianshui Kingdom together. No one is more noble than others. It is my luck that I can do my best for Tianshui Kingdom, and the third sister believes in me. The general should trust me too."

There was no power to refute, and everyone looked different.

(End of this chapter)

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