Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 756 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 04

Chapter 756
Nie Feng: "I believe that the enemy army can't wait any longer, and the attack will only happen in the past few days. What's your plan?"

Bai Mian pointed to the map, and said: "There is a hidden canyon in the Cangshan Gorge. I don't know if the enemy has found it. If not, you can lead the enemy into this canyon and shoot them with random arrows."

Shui Lian shook her head: "I don't think it will work, this plan is too simple, the enemy will definitely see the fraud."

After discussing for a long time, they finally only settled on a slightly feasible strategy, and then they all took their positions and went down to form troops.


After leaving the camp, Yi Shuihan called Shangshi Yingying (two of them were injured) and Xueying Huaying, and they brought detection tools, and they were about to leave the camp to investigate.

Mo Ningxun chased after him: "Shuihan, where are you going?"

Yi Shuihan: "Investigate."

Mo Ningxun walked to her side and walked side by side with her: "Would you mind taking me with you?"

Yi Shuihan: "You have already come out."

Mo Ningxun: "If you mind, I'll go back at the worst."

Yi Shuihan didn't say a word, yesterday Mo Ningxun said that he understood, if he understood, would he still follow her?Therefore, Mo Ningxun didn't understand yet.

Cangshan Gorge, the continuous Songshan Mountain, is covered with silver-white snow, fluttering like white satin. The snow-covered peaks are arranged from north to south, and against the blue sky, they look like jade dragons flying in the sky.

There are only scattered hardy conifers on the side of the mountain, and the snow on the trees is so full that the leaves are almost crushed.

A group of people stood beside the snow-capped mountains. The scenery was extremely beautiful, but it was a pity that they would soon be stained with blood. The red blood sprinkled on the white snow should be very enchanting.

Huaying looked around for a week: "Master, you are not bringing us to enjoy the snow, are you?"

Yi Shuihan: "I'm in the mood to enjoy the snow when I'm full. Now I'm very hungry."

Really cold humor, colder than this world of ice and snow.

Yi Shuihan: "Speak softly, walk lightly, move lightly, slowly, come with me."

The crowd followed Yi Shuihan along the foot of the mountain on tiptoe, walking like thieves.

After walking for about half an hour, Yi Shuihan waved his hand: "Stop."

Everyone stopped and waited for Yi Shuihan to speak, only to see Yi Shuihan staring at a snow mountain in a daze.

Mo Ningxun really couldn't see anything special about this snow mountain: "What are you looking at?"

Yi Shuihan: "Don't interrupt."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and they couldn't be interrupted even if they were in a daze?

After a while, Yi Shuihan pointed to the snow-capped mountain and said, "The inclination of this snow-capped mountain is about 35 degrees, and the snow cover is relatively thick, and cracks have already formed. Just a little external force on such a snow-capped mountain can make it Avalanches, these external forces include water produced by snowmelt, foreign object activities, and even sound, so it is very dangerous for us to stand here now."

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare to speak, and even tried to breathe slowly, for fear of disturbing this dangerous snow mountain.

Yi Shuihan approached the snow mountain, poked the snow, and said: "Don't be so nervous, the snow is still very strong."

Huaying: "Master, don't play tricks on us, just tell us if you have anything to say."

Yi Shuihan took a bamboo pole, inserted it into the snow, and then pulled it out: "Find out the snow mountain with a slope of 25 degrees to [-] degrees and a thick snow cover, and test the thickness of the snow and the slope of the snow mountain. Record it on the map."

Huaying: "How to distribute?"

Yi Shuihan: "A group of three people, one guarding at a distance, two people in charge of the test, remember to act lightly, don't speak loudly, the team members are free to match, 12 people, four groups, each group in the southeast and northwest, range : Within a radius of [-] miles, the surveyed snow-capped mountains will be marked, and after completion, gather at the place where you just enjoyed the snow, and act if there is no doubt."

(End of this chapter)

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