Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 757 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 05

Chapter 757
The 12 people headed in all directions, only Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun were left in place, and they turned back.

Yi Shuihan put on a black cloak, feeling a bit cold, so she put on a hat too, thinking that this image must look like a witch.

After being silent all the way, Mo Ningxun still couldn't hold back, and spoke first: "Shui Han, why don't you say something?"

Yi Shuihan glanced at him: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Mo Ningxun: "I don't know what to say, why don't you ask me to answer."

Yi Shuihan: "Are you looking for smoke?"

Mo Ningxun smiled: "Then let me ask you the answer."

Yi Shuihan: "Say it straight, when did you become so nonsense?"

Mo Ningxun thought for a while and said, "At that time in Qingluan Peak, why did you save me?"

"Then can you change the way you repay your kindness?" Yi Shuihan even has the heart to hit the wall. She is really a good person who has no good repayment. She has never done a few good things in her life.

"I'm just executing according to the IOU." Mo Ningxun was quite aggrieved. Is he all wrong?Or does Shuihan look down on him?

"Stop biting the words, if you don't want to do it, you won't do it even if I put a knife on your neck."

"Okay, I admit it. It's indeed my wishful thinking. You haven't said why you saved me then?"

Yi Shuihan thought for a while: "I don't remember very clearly. I was just out of curiosity, and I never thought of saving you. It seems that I heard you call father, and I was thinking about father even when you were dying, so I just Save you, I just don't want a father to lose his son."

Mo Ningxun: "Actually, my father passed away when I was very young."

Now Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say, she could only say comforting words to her father, but she really couldn't say anything to other people.

The two returned to their original place, found a big rock and sat down to enjoy the snow.

Yi Shuihan: "Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, you don't need to repay any kindness."

Mo Ningxun was disappointed for a while, and slowly said: "I didn't. At first I relied on you because I was grateful to you. Later, I really liked you."

If a handsome man told her that before, she would have laughed wickedly in her heart, and then abducted him, but she already had three husbands, and what's more, what Mo Ningxun asked for was marriage, and she couldn't afford it.

Until dusk, Xue Ying and others came back one after another, and handed over the map to Yi Shuihan. It was getting late, and the group returned to the barracks.


Two days later, there was a light snowfall, and according to the spies' report, the enemy army had sneaked into the area outside Cangcheng.

Xiyue Tianshui's army was ready to go, wrapped in white clothes, lurking on the snow hill, and the soldiers on the high place were hidden behind the boulders.

Snowflakes fluttered one after another, and their cheeks were flushed with cold. The soldiers could only move their hands and feet slightly to prevent freezing.

Rustling, rustling, the wind mixed with snow blowing by, I vaguely saw something wriggling in front of me, crawling forward on the snow.

There are about [-] enemy troops passing by here, with gold and iron horses, and the leader is wearing a golden battle robe, with an unstoppable domineering aura.

Yi Shuihan squinted his eyes, guessing that the man was Baili Wufeng, but why only dispatched [-] troops?It is impossible for an army of [-] to capture the Cangshan Gorge.

"Xueying, Huaying, the spies may have been killed, you go and find out where the enemy's remaining troops are lurking."

"Yes, master." The two immediately went to the enemy's camp.

(End of this chapter)

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