Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 762 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 10

Chapter 762
"Mo Ningxun, let me go!" Yi Shuihan shouted.

"No!" Mo Ningxun drew out his sword and stabbed the horse. The horse suffered from pain and rushed out at top speed, keeping a distance from the pursuers.

"Let go, I have a way to deal with them!" Yi Shuihan pulled out the dagger in his boots, a horse bears the weight of two people, and those who can't run fast look back, 11 people, 44 horses, [-] horseshoes.

"Don't move, or we'll fall off the horse together!" Mo Ningxun wrapped her arms around her waist tightly and said harsh words.

Yi Shuihan let go of his hand, got off the horse, and rolled twice on the snow. After stabilizing his body, he clenched his dagger tightly, curled his lips coldly, and then glided on the snow like a spirit snake. Draw a long snow trail, and hit the pursuers directly.

Mo Ningxun's arms were empty, and she held the rein tightly, and when she looked back, she was so shocked that the blood in her whole body froze.

"Shuihan, come back!" With a heart-piercing and horrified voice, he raised his sword and immediately turned his horse around, galloping towards the pursuers.

Baili Wufeng smiled contemptuously, she is really a woman who is not afraid of death, she dared to kill her single-handedly.

Da da da, 44 horseshoes are galloping on the snow, as if they want to crack the ground and level the mountains.

Yi Shui smiled coldly, and just as he was meeting the pursuers, he suddenly changed his shape and swooped down, almost lying flat on the snow, gliding towards the horses like a falcon.

With a clang sound, the short sword met the imposing silver sword, and Yi Shuihan had already passed under the windless horse, dodging the hooves of the horses flying one by one.

Baili Wufeng didn't expect that she would roll to the ground and plunge into the galloping horse. She was looking for death, a horse's hoof was enough to trample her to death.

Mo Ningxun was terrified, her face was pale, she couldn't say a word, for fear that the horses that disturbed the pursuers would step on her.

Yi Shuihan glides down the horse extremely fast, the dagger in his hand severed the horse's tendons, and the horse's blood splashed on her body.

Panting, the war horses suddenly fell to the ground one after another, making hoarse whining noises, creating huge snow waves one after another, Shi Sha was thrown off the horse's back by the ground, and rolled a few times on the snow to stabilize his figure.

Hearing, people turning on their backs, snow waves tumbling, screams, humming, and the sound of snowflakes bursting, can be heard endlessly.

When Baili Wufeng tightened the reins and turned around, he saw a mess of people and horses in an instant when he turned his head, his eyes were immediately stained with cruelty and anger, it was he who underestimated this woman!

Without seeing Yi Shuihan, Mo Ningxun got off his horse and plunged into the melee. While looking for Yi Shuihan, he raised a knife and fell to fight with the enemy.

With a bang, Yi Shuihan jumped out from the snow and was greeted by Baili Wufeng's attack.

"Woman, you are defeated." Baili Wufeng stood high on his horse like a king, looking down at Yi Shuihan, still holding her golden fan in his hand.

Yi Shuihan laughed, she was defeated, looked at the fight not far away, Mo Ningxun was also trapped, why did he turn back?Dead idiot!Neuropathy!

"If you catch me, I might not kill you." Baili Wufeng's triumphant voice sounded.

"Your voice is as annoying as your person, you bitch!" Yi Shuihan sneered, raising the short sword in his hand and opening the silver sword that disgusted her.

"You're courting death!" Baili Wufeng's voice mixed with anger was as sharp as his cold sword.

(End of this chapter)

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