Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 763 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 11

Chapter 763
After a few moves, Yi Shuihan lost even the dagger in her hand, she fell on the snow, her hair was messy, her lips were stained with blood, she was extremely alluring.

She looked at Mo Ningxun again, that psycho!Is he really the lord of the Demon Palace who makes people fearful?What an idiot!Those were not ordinary soldiers, but ten evil spirits from Jue Sha Lou.

"Admit defeat?" Baili Wufeng pointed his sword at her.

"I admit defeat, what do you want?" Yi Shuihan smiled, this smile is like a red lotus in the snow mountain, cold and lonely, and like a red lotus bathing in fire in the Shura field, coquettish and gorgeous.

"Of course I captured you, prisoner of war." Baili Wufeng also laughed, such a woman who can still laugh, not bad.

"Okay, can I talk to him?" Yi Shuihan looked at Mo Ningxun and asked sincerely.

Baili Wufeng took a look, hesitated for a while, and said: "Shisha, stop."

Mo Ningxun dragged her long sword to Yi Shuihan's side, sat with her on the snow, and looked at her, she was covered in blood, mixed with red snow, he didn't even dare to touch her, for fear of touching her her wounds.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yi Shuihan looked at him, and was very pleased.

"I like it." Mo Ningxun smiled at her, and kept looking at her, as if he wanted to engrave every expression of her in his heart.

"Suddenly realized that you smile beautifully." Yi Shuihan praised without hesitation.

"You are more beautiful when you smile." Mo Ningxun's smile deepened.

The corners of the mouths of the people present twitched, and they were still in the mood to flirt at this moment. Are they too idiots or too calm?

Baili Wufeng glanced at Yi Shuihan, and his lips curled up evilly: "Tie them up."

Several people took the reins, suddenly, a gust of cold wind swept across with snowflakes, cold silver needles penetrated the air, snowflakes.

With a sound of ah, a man holding the reins fell onto the snowy ground with a silver needle stuck in his neck.

Three people and three horses rushed forward wrapped in the wind and snow, the corners of their robes were fluttering in the cold wind, and their black hair was flying.

Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun looked at each other, quickly overthrew the enemy, and tried their best to break out of the encirclement.

Qian Nuo, Rong Yun, and Cheng Bi held up their swords to prevent Baili Wufeng from catching up, three against one, and Baili Wufeng couldn't get away for a while.

Qian Nuo: "The water is cold, there are people waiting behind the snowy mountains ahead, hurry up!"

Mo Ningxun immediately got on the horse, pulled Yi Shuihan onto the horse, and rode away.

"The four of you go chase!" Baili Wufeng said coldly, he must not let that woman escape!

"Yes, my lord." The four of them got orders, and quickly set foot on the snow to chase, running at a speed no slower than a horse.

The three of Qiannuo tried their best to intercept, and Baili Wufeng was not allowed to get away, and another fight started with the shadow of swords and swords.

Mo Ningxun and Yi Shuihan shared a horse, and the horse was exhausted, so its speed gradually slowed down.

"Take care of them first." Yi Shuihan looked back, and the shadow of Qiannuo and the three of them had disappeared, but the four enemies behind were chasing after him, and the distance was getting closer little by little.

"No!" Mo Ningxun's hands tightly entangled her, she always likes to make her own decisions and risk herself!
"Let go!" Yi Shuihan said angrily, she still had confidence in dealing with the four people.

The four of them stopped the horse immediately, and stabbed the horse with their swords. Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun fell off the horse and fell to the snow. Yi Shuihan bit his lip, feeling like the wound was tearing.

Mo Ningxun picked up the sword on the ground to meet the attack of the four people, and for a while, several people fought.

(End of this chapter)

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