Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 764 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 12

Chapter 764
Suddenly, a person came out from behind the snow-capped mountain. He was dressed in plain clothes and came facing the wind and snow with a sword in hand.

The four of them were a little surprised when they saw the sudden person, and said in surprise: "Fifth Prince, intercept and kill them two!"

Wushang's face was cold, his eyes were cold and murderous.

The four shouted: "Fifth prince, the two of them are the ones the prince wants."

"You all deserve to die." Wushang said coldly, stabbing at the four of them with his sword, even daring to chase and kill Shui Han, then he would send them to see King Yama.

Unexpectedly, the four of them were surprised and puzzled, and said in shock: "Fifth Prince, what are you doing?"

Wushang's sword didn't slow down at all, and he said coldly, "What do you think?"

Ah, a person has fallen to the ground, and Wushang's sword is stained with that person's blood.

The other three were terrified and shouted: "Fifth prince, they belong to the Tianshui army, you actually betrayed Donglin Kingdom, we will report to the prince."

"Really? You won't have this chance, the dead can't speak." Wushang's sword pierced another person's chest.

The remaining two were quickly killed by Mo Ningxun and Wushang, and four corpses lay on the white snow, bleeding profusely.

Yi Shuihan sat on the snowy ground, his hair was disheveled, his lips were purple and white from the cold, and a few drops of blood looked extraordinarily bright.

"Shuihan, how are you?" Wushang and Mo Ningxun immediately came to Yi Shuihan's side and asked nervously.

"Why are you here?" Yi Shuihan looked at Wushang, his voice was very low and hoarse, as if he hadn't drank water for a long time.

"I'll explain this later, let's leave here first." The two supported Yi Shuihan and walked towards the back of the snow mountain.

"Where are Qian Nuo and the others?" Yi Shuihan struggled a bit, then stopped.

"They will catch up, and we can see them in two hours." Wushang said.

After the three of them walked for half an hour, the sky was getting dark, and they finally came to a cave. There were all kinds of daily necessities here, all of which were new, and they should have just been purchased.

"This is my place." Wushang explained that he didn't like to stay in the barracks, so he secretly found a cave, but he didn't expect to need it today.

Yi Shuihan took off his battle robe, the clothes on the back were stained red, and the wounds were stuck together with the clothes.

Mo Ningxun felt cold when she saw it, and gently helped her take off her clothes: "Don't move around, lie down slowly."

Yi Shuihan was laying on the bed, it was fake if it didn't hurt, Baili Wufeng's sword almost killed her, but fortunately she avoided it quickly and escaped the critical point.

Wushang immediately found the medicine for the trauma, lit the lamp, sterilized the dagger, and carefully separated the clothes stuck to the wound on her back.

"The water is cold, just scream out when it hurts." Wushang looked shocked.

"Speed ​​up, don't be slow." Yi Shuihan said weakly, no pain is fake, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain.

"Stubborn." Wushang blamed him.

It was already dark, Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun had treated their wounds, changed their outer robes, and wore Wushang clothes, Mo Ningxun only suffered some trauma, nothing serious, Yi Shuihan could only Lie on the bed.

Wushang and Mo Ningxun looked at each other and explained.

Suddenly, there was some movement outside the cave, Wushang went out to check, it was Qiannuo and the other three.

"Shuihan." The three of them came to Yi Shuihan's side anxiously, and checked him out.

"I can't die, don't watch." Yi Shuihan's scalp was numb from the sight, she didn't care about them sneaking out, alas, if they didn't sneak out, she and Mo Ningxun would be trapped by Baili Wufeng captured.

(End of this chapter)

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