Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 765 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 13

Chapter 765
After hearing her voice, Qian Nuo and the others felt a little relieved.

"Can't die? Where is the injury?" Cheng Bi lifted a corner of the quilt, intending to investigate.

"I'm lying on my stomach, how can you hurt me?" Yi Shuihan got up and sat cross-legged on the bed, glanced at everyone, and said anything if he had something to say.

Rong Yun looked at her and said nervously: "Shui Han, don't sit still."

Yi Shuihan: "Then I'll stand."

Rong Yun quickly said: "No, no, you lie down, no, you lie down."

Yi Shuihan couldn't help laughing: "I'm in pain, I'd better sit."

Qian Nuo blamed him a little: "Shuihan, you broke your promise."

Yi Shuihan glanced at the three of them: "I'm not doing well, where did I break my promise, but you guys did!"

The three of them kept silent, and if they broke their promises, they would break their promises. If they didn't break their promises this time, the consequences would be unimaginable, and they couldn't bear it.

The more Wushang looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. How could Shuihan treat Qiannuo and the other three with such a pleasant face, and the three of them didn't know how to restrain themselves at all, and they spoke so bluntly.

Mo Ningxun just sat on the side and kept silent. He knew that the three of Rong Yun were already in the cold water, and he, the future ruler, would easily fail.

Rong Yun asked Wushang: "How about Shui Han's injury?"

"It's not a big problem." Wushang didn't show any emotion on his face, he still wanted to find out what happened first.

The three of Rong Yun were finally relieved after hearing the words, and now they began to examine the idlers here.

Cheng Bi glanced at Mo Ningxun: "Why is Mr. Mo here?"

Mo Ningxun didn't want to tell Cheng Bi that among these people, Cheng Bi was the one he disliked the most, maybe it was because of the people from Xiyue Tianshui at the same time.

Rong Yun, Qian Nuo, and Wushang had wanted to ask this question for a long time, and there was an undisguised look in their eyes.

Yi Shuihan rubbed his forehead, it's over now.

Mo Ningxun: "I am from Xiyue Kingdom, and I have another name, Su Zisheng."

The gazes of Chengbi, Qian Nuo, and Rong Yun almost killed Mo Ningxun. Ever since they received the information, the name Su Zisheng, they wanted to tear it into pieces!

Wushang didn't think there was any problem, but what made him feel problematic was the reaction of the three of Rong Yun, so what if Mo Ningxun was Su Ziyan?The surname Su is a member of the royal family of Xiyue Kingdom, so there is no surprise.

"Why is Master Wushang here?" This time it was Qian Nuo's turn to ask.

"I am without borders, but I still have a name, Baili Wushang." Wushang declared his position, disregarding the relationship as soon as he opened his mouth.

Then, Wushang looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief: "Shuihan, you can't be that Shuihan, are you?" He had thought before that if he had to be forced to go to the battlefield, he would only kill one person.

Yi Shuihan: "It's unfortunate, Wushang, we are enemies again."

Wushang: "We have never been enemies. As for this war, I am not an aggressor, I am forced."

"How could Mr. Wushang appear in 'time'?" This made Mo Ningxun doubtful. He is from Xiyue Kingdom, and he naturally has a kind of resistance to the enemy country. Wushang is from Donglin Kingdom, so he has to be associated with it , have to guard against.

Wushang: "God's will, do you believe it?"

Mo Ningxun: "I don't believe it."

Two powerful air currents are colliding, and the dark tide is surging.

Rong Yun explained: "It was indeed a coincidence that Wushang was watching the battle on the snow mountain when we found him."

Mo Ningxun didn't speak, no matter if it was a coincidence or not, he didn't believe in Wushang.

At this time, it was already dark, the snow stopped, and the moonlight poured down, and the snow outside was glowing with moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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