Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 766 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 14

Chapter 766
"When are you leaving?" Yi Shuihan asked, Cangshan Gorge had already fallen, and now he walked out of Cangshan Gorge at night and returned to Cangcheng.

"If you're not going with us, who are you going with?" Cheng Bi looked at Yi Shuihan warningly and asked back, showing signs of anger.

Yi Shuihan said: "I'm going back to the Cangcheng military camp." The implication is that you can't follow.

Qian Nuo said: "Okay, we are in Cangcheng, and we will never appear in the barracks."

Yi Shuihan could only compromise: "Okay."

Wushang felt a sense of crisis, the relationship between these people and Shui Han was surprisingly good, if it was before, Shui Han would definitely have kicked them.

"Thank you, Wushang." Yi Shuihan looked at him and said seriously.

"The last thing we need is thank you." Wushang smiled wryly in his heart.

Yi Shuihan didn't speak, got up and walked out of the cave, Qian Nuo and others looked at Wushang with probing eyes, and then followed Yi Shuihan out.

"Shuihan, walk slowly." Rong Yun immediately caught up with her to help her, and blamed her a little.

Qiannuo and Chengbi also walked around Yi Shuihan, leading the way and asking questions, Yi Shuihan became impatient with the questions.

Mo Ningxun followed behind, full of sulking, as if his future husband hadn't arrived!

late at night.Cangcheng.

Su Ziyan, Xueying and others were anxious, mistakenly thinking that Su Zisheng and Yi Shuihan had an accident or were captured alive, and they were planning to go to the enemy barracks to investigate.

In the middle of the night, news came from the city gate that the two had returned safely. Su Ziyan and others finally let go of their worries and hurried to the city gate to greet them.

"Your Highness." Ye Caizhu was extremely excited.

"Master." Huaying and Xueying quickly came to Yi Shuihan's side, staring closely at Yi Shuihan to check if he was injured.

"Your Highness." The Twelve Shadows saluted respectfully. If something happened to His Highness, they could only apologize with death.

"Zisheng, the water is cold." Su Ziyan laughed.

"Keep everyone waiting for so long." Yi Shuihan apologized.

"It really kept us waiting." Su Ziyan patted Yi Shuihan on the shoulder.

Yi Shuihan's whole body was numb from the pain, but he still had to maintain a demeanor on his face.

At this time, everyone saw the people around Yi Shuihan and looked suspiciously at them.

Yi Shuihan looked at Qiannuo and the other three, and said to everyone: "They are from Cangcheng, they saved us."

Chengbi glared at Yi Shuihan fiercely, and actually included him in the list?Yi Shuihan pretended not to see it.

Ye Caizhu admired the three of them very much, and praised: "Which family do the three young masters belong to? Let us come to thank you."

Rong Yun said calmly: "No need, it's a matter of little effort."

Yi Shuihan didn't want to dawdle any longer, and it would be over if they were found out to be from Beiming Kingdom: "Huaying, send them back to Cangcheng."

Huaying responded, and sadly asked the three to leave. The three walked two steps and turned their heads once, looking reluctant to part.

Su Ziyan saw some heresy, seeing that these three people had extraordinary temperament and appearance, calm expressions and demeanor, and they were taller and stronger than Xiyue Tianshui's men, and more importantly, these three people looked at Shuihan with cold eyes.

"Zisheng, how did you escape from danger?" Su Ziyan was a little suspicious.

"It's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Mo Ningxun called Xiyue's valet to lead the way, leaving behind a stunned person who walked away.

Su Ziyan was even more confused, and turned his target to Yi Shuihan: "What's wrong with Zisheng?"

"Slightly injured, probably tired, maybe a little angry." Yi Shuihan said truthfully.

"Then you don't comfort him well, he is already your husband, you are not allowed to bully him in the future, I am only his younger brother." Su Ziyan warned.

Yi Shuihan couldn't answer these words anymore, she didn't deny it, and it didn't matter if she didn't deny it, did she really fall again?

(End of this chapter)

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