Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 767 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 15

Chapter 767
Cangshan Gorge has been captured by Beiming in the east, leaving only the last strong line of defense in Cangcheng in Tianshui Kingdom.

Although the east facing Beiming won the victory this time, the anti-encirclement plan was unsuccessful, resulting in almost no losses for the Tianshui Army.

The cavalry of the army to the east lost more than one-fifth. Before the Beiming army could outflank, Tianshui's army fled, and encountered an avalanche that completely blocked the road. Many people died in the avalanche.

It is adjacent to Beiming tent camp in the east.

Baili Wufeng was furious, the plan failed?This is his unprecedented defeat, and let that woman escape, how can he not be angry?

Shangguan Yan had no expression on his face, and was angry in his heart, but it was more of a reflection. The enemy army saw through their schemes and retreated decisively to preserve their strength.

Ling Yiran's face was cold, this battle was unbeatable, and the most reconciled thing was that the enemy escaped before attacking.

The entire conference hall was silent, the low air pressure continued, and it was colder than the ice and snow outside. The generals who were half-sized and small were all panicked, for fear of offending the three big men.

The most comfortable person here is Wushang, still sitting in the corner drinking tea, turning a blind eye, listening but not hearing, leisurely and contented.

With a snap, a golden fan fell onto the table, diverting everyone's thoughts to the table.

Ling Yiran and Shangguan Yan were shocked, how did the golden fan get into Baili Wufeng's hands?
Wushang glanced at the golden fan, and then at Ling Yiran, it was wonderful.

"Why is the golden fan in your hand?" Ling Yiran said coldly, he had a bad premonition in his heart, Yi Shuihan even lost the golden fan, which meant that he was in danger, Baili Wufeng's martial arts and wrist I've seen it before, it's definitely ruthless.

"Why do you ask that?" Baili Wufeng raised his eyebrows.

"That was originally my fan, what did you do to the owner of the fan?" Ling Yiran said coldly.

"The woman escaped." Speaking of this, Baili Wufeng's eyes flashed with anger, and he gave the military division a cold look: "Yanhu, didn't you say that Shuihan, the seventh emperor of Tianshui Kingdom, is timid and extremely stupid?"

Yan Hu was dripping with cold sweat, what did the prince mean by these words: "Return to the prince, it is indeed like this."

Baili Wufeng showed a cold look in his eyes: "Is that true? Those who single-handedly killed countless people in our army are cowardly and fearful? Are people who fight against this king alone extremely stupid? Or is this king more stupid than Shuihan?"

Yan Hu was so frightened that his teeth chattered, and he said with sincerity, "My lord, this is what the information came from."

Ling Yiran was shocked and angry, Yi Shuihan, Shuihan, they were the same person!It's really ridiculous, Yi Shuihan was a deceit from the beginning to the end, she was a deceit herself!

Yan Hu saw that Baili Wufeng's face was getting more and more ugly, he shuddered in his heart, and quickly said: "My lord, please forgive me, this, the information may be wrong."

Baili Wufeng said coldly: "Is there a mistake? It was this mistake that caused the enemy to escape!"

Yan Hu was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground with a puff, terrified: "My lord, forgive me, my subordinates are only analyzing according to the intelligence information, and my subordinates have no idea that the intelligence mistakes are so big."

Baili Wufeng: "Go and find out the water cold, every detail must not be missed!"

Yan Hu secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, my lord."

It took a long time to discuss before it ended. After World War I, the soldiers had not fully recovered, and finally decided to station in the Cangshan Gorge first, and then attack after the food and grass arrived.


"You knew early on?" Ling Yiran asked coldly, Baili Wushang didn't look surprised at all in the conference hall just now.

"I don't know, but I know now." He really didn't know at that time, if he hadn't met Rong Yun, he would have missed out with Shui Han again, and if he didn't miss out, it meant it was God's will.

Ling Yiran said coldly: "What are you going to do? Be an enemy of Yi Shuihan? Or betray Donglin Kingdom?"

"This has nothing to do with you, you are the one who should think about these issues." Wushang said sarcastically, he was never from Donglin Kingdom, so why would he betray him?If he had to talk about betrayal, it was Dong Linguo who betrayed him and was using him!

Ling Yiran froze, indeed, he was the one who should be thinking, he asked this because he lacked confidence, and he was even secretly competing with Wushang.

"Ninth Prince, remember to think carefully." Wushang sneered, and left after finishing speaking. It has nothing to do with Donglin Kingdom whether it wins or loses, or even destroys the country, but if it hurts Shuihan, he will not hesitate. Everything subverts Donglin!
(End of this chapter)

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