Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 768 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 16

Chapter 768

The important generals of Xiyue Tianshui gathered in the conference hall, all of them looked dignified. If the military city of Cangcheng were to fall, Tianshui would be in danger.

Nie Feng: "What do the generals think?"

Shui Lian: "The terrain of the Cangshan Gorge is complicated. The enemy army has just invaded and is not very familiar with the terrain. After yesterday's battle, the enemy army has not yet recovered. They are busy cleaning up the battlefield. Why don't our army take advantage of this to launch a sneak attack."

Su Ziyan: "I think so too. I just want to participate in this trip, but I am not familiar with the terrain and the water is cold. Why don't we fight side by side?"

Nie Feng and Shui Lian looked at each other, when did Su Ziyan and Shui Han become so friendly.

Yi Shuihan: "That's exactly what I mean."

Mo Ningxun glared at Yi Shuihan angrily and reproachfully. She was injured only yesterday, and now she is participating in a sneak attack. It's really terrible!
Ye Caizhu: "Your Highness, I am most familiar with the terrain of the Cangshan Gorge, and I will also participate in this trip."

Yi Shuihan: "Thank you, General Ye, but it is enough for General Ye to guide us in the rear."

The more Shui Lian thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and now even Ye Caizhu was standing on Shui Han's side, and the situation was a little derailed, as if she hadn't controlled Shui Han at all.

Everyone planned something, and then the meeting went down to prepare for the night attack tonight.

This night attack brought only a small elite unit, with the intention of sneaking into the weakest position behind the enemy camp, killing a few people and causing panic, with the purpose of disturbing the enemy's morale.

When night fell, everyone was dressed in white and black, with all kinds of hidden weapons and smoke bombs hidden on their bodies.

"What are you doing here?" Yi Shuihan glared at Mo Ningxun.

Mo Ningxun: "You can come?"

Yi Shuihan: "It's okay, don't join in the fun!"

Su Ziyan persuaded: "Forget it, since they are all here, let's go together."

It was snowing lightly, and a group of people quietly lurked towards the Cangshan Gorge, avoided the sentry posts, and slowly approached the enemy camp.

With the lessons learned from the burning of food and grass last time, the barracks strengthened their defenses, and the entire camp was in a circular shape, surrounded by soldiers guarding it.

Su Ziyan made a gesture: "You are facing the barracks from the south to the east, and I am from the north to the underworld barracks." '

Yi Shuihan nodded, bent down and rushed to the side very quickly, Mo Ningxun also followed, and then one after another white shadows lurked past on the snow.

Several people assassinated the guards and pretended to be guards to guard, while the rest sneaked into the rear of the enemy one after another.

This is the place where the fire is cooked and cooked in the military camp in the east. There is a big shed, and most of the sundries are scattered. Several guys gather to gamble, cursing constantly, and they are excited.

Mo Ningxun frowned and wrinkled, carefully avoiding dust and oily smoke, passing among the sundries.

With a soft click, a head was twisted off by a man in black, and he gestured to Yi Shuihan: 'No one. '

In half a quarter of an hour, all the people in the shed were silently eliminated, leaving only the people who gathered around to gamble.

"Mud, do you feel particularly quiet?" A guy suddenly stopped and asked.

"I really feel a little bit when you say that." The man named Mudhead also stopped and looked around, but there was no one there. In addition, it is now in the middle of the night and it is snowing again, and he suddenly feels creepy.

"I'll go and have a look." A slightly bolder guy got up and walked inside.

Several people continued to gather together to gamble, and after gambling for a while, they didn't see the person coming back, so they were a little frightened.

"Could something happen?" the timid man glanced around and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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