Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 769 Beacon Smoke 4 Starts 17

Chapter 769
The hearts of several people were raised, you look at me, I look at you, they dare not walk away, they feel more secure when they are together.

"Let's report to the husband together." One person suggested.

"Okay, don't spread out." The others were frightened and tried to get closer together.

As soon as several people stood up, several hidden weapons hit their necks directly, and they fell to the ground with a few ahh.

Yi Shuihan and others came out from the dark place, took torches and set fire to all ignitable objects, and then retreated. The shed that had just left saw flames bursting into the sky from the south, and Su Ziyan's side succeeded.

"Retreat quickly." Yi Shuihan waved her hand, she had a bad feeling, the plan went too smoothly.

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of infantry rushing forward came from the front, as well as the sound of horseshoes. In an instant, the silence became noisy.

"Withdraw!" Yi Shuihan and the others immediately went out to the entrance, and saw that the Tianshui soldiers dressed as guards had been killed.

A group of infantry blocked the entrance, who was the leader?

"Woman, where are you fleeing to?" Several people were all masked in black, but Baili Wufeng searched for her at a glance, and his evil lips curled up slightly.

"Really?" A mocking voice spread from the enchanting lips.

As the sound dispersed, there was a bang bang bang sound, and in an instant, thick smoke filled the air and rushed straight into the sky.

"Kill!" With one order, one was a male voice and the other was a female voice.

The surrounding area was immediately plunged into thick fog, Yi Shuihan immediately grabbed Mo Ningxun's hand and rushed towards the exit, shouting: "Pepper powder!"

The soldiers of Donglin Kingdom were stunned. Could it be that the enemy came in to steal pepper?
The corner of Baili Wufeng's mouth twitched, and he was about to speak, but was choked by a burst of pepper: "Ahem, chase after me!"

Cough cough, cough cough, but surrounded by fog, all the soldiers sneezed differently, turned around a few times and couldn't tell the direction, and fell into a melee, with no distinction between the enemy and the enemy.

Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun held hands tightly, and slashed at the enemy with a sword in the other hand. They must rush out of the encirclement immediately, and when the thousands of troops from the east arrive, they will surely die.

The back shed was already on fire, thick smoke billowed up.

Yi Shuihan released all the smoke bombs, and rushed out of the mist with Mo Ningxun, only a few soldiers from Tianshui Kingdom rushed out, and there was a smell of blood behind them.

"Hurry up!" Baili Wufeng was very choked, and even more so angry, he had been waiting for this woman for a long time, if he let her escape, it would be in vain for his fame as Baili Wufeng.

"Your Highness, you go first, we'll break the rear!" Ten Shadows said, and immediately threw the concealed weapon on his body at the chasing enemy.

"Master, let's go!" Xue Ying said.

"No, all disperse and divide into four groups! This is an order!" Yi Shuihan ordered.

The few people had to obey, and quickly dispersed, and a chasing battle started on the snow in the Cangshan Gorge.

Baili Wufeng only led his troops to chase after Yi Shuihan, and let the rest escape. Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun's pace was not slow, but Baili Wufeng was faster, and the soldiers fell behind.

Mo Ningxun held her hand tightly and ran for his life with her on the snowy ground. Even though there were pursuers behind him, he still felt that the front was bright.

Yi Shuihan secretly thought something was wrong, she felt the wound on her back was torn open, if Baili Wufeng caught up with her, she would definitely not be able to beat her.

Baili Wufeng pulled out the silver sword at his waist, this time he must not let this woman escape!

Suddenly, with a bang bang, a rope suddenly rose up from the snow, blocking Baili Wufeng and the pursuers.

(End of this chapter)

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